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FunkyChug t1_j5vwsnn wrote

How do you know the new cast won’t have great chemistry?


RemnantEvil t1_j5wdhbs wrote

Nobody's saying that, the concern is that the original cast had award-winning chemistry and the show's considered one of the - if not the - greatest sitcoms of all time. So to bring it back, it has to either match or exceed the original, otherwise it's just gonna be a downer. And part of trying to match or exceed the original would be the foundation of that great chemistry. Without it, you've got to bottle lightning a second time for the show to work.


hujambo11 t1_j5ye9za wrote

You mean in this upcoming nostalgia-based, cash grab reboot of a classic series with an actor past his prime, made to stream on Paramount+?

Gee, I wonder why people think it won't be good.