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Slithering_Cobra25 t1_j6ftjdu wrote

Dont know if this counts but Hartley Sawer from The Flash. Now, his tweets were messed up but, he was a good character.


yodimboi t1_j6iwfb6 wrote

Weren’t his tweets some stupid frat boy shit though from almost 10 years ago? Like they weren’t exactly great things to say, but I feel like it was overkill to fire him over that. Although I might be misremembering. From what I remember it was sth along the lines of “BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS I LIKE BOOBS”

Edit: Well they were signing worse than I thought, but from what I’ve seen, this looks like your average idiot who like American Psycho a lil too much.


listyraesder t1_j6kz1fs wrote

Nah he was talking about cannibalism as fetish.


yodimboi t1_j6m4rhn wrote

Sounds like something book Patrick Bateman would do