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ycnz t1_j5l5zhf wrote

> Shame Jim Caviezel is such a shitbag

googles... oh goddamnit.


ConfidentMongoose874 t1_j5luhdb wrote

Some stuff off the top of my head that affected the production of the show.

• He didn't want Reese and Carter to be together because he didn't believe in interracial relationships, but he's the one who improvised their kiss.

•He would sometimes get too in character and almost hit people if he was driving and sometimes hurt stuntmen during a fight scene.

•At one point, it was considered killing him off and making Shaw the main muscle. I believe around season 4.

Yea there were definitely signs that guy easily lost touch with reality, so I think it does make sense he's a conspiracy nut. But fortunately It doesn't impact my enjoyment of the show. The writing is just that good.


Magos_Trismegistos t1_j5lvuza wrote

> • He didn't want Reese and Carter to be together because he didn't believe in interracial relationships, but he's the one who improvised their kiss.

Shitty reason made up by a shitty person, but he was right that Carter and Reece shouldn't have been a couple though. For completely different reasons, but they should not have and the kiss should not have been there.


TheConqueror74 t1_j5mo29b wrote

> He didn't want Reese and Carter to be together because he didn't believe in interracial relationships, but he's the one who improvised their kiss.

Good decision, shitty reason.


ycnz t1_j5lzn70 wrote

Kissing another actor doesn't feel like something it's super-appropriate to improvise... :(


Upstairs_Limit t1_j5mwce6 wrote

To counter that, Amy Acker is one of the nicest people ever :)