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stumpcity t1_j5piso7 wrote

S2 was a step down but still good. It definitely felt a little more scattered and seat-of-the-pants than S1, probably for all the obvious reasons (budget issues, pandemic issues, having an anti-vaxxer fucking up the production) but the core of the show was still really solid, and the characterization was still on point.


frostycanuck89 t1_j5pnctw wrote

Wasn't this show a spinoff from Supergirl? I thought they already had Lex casted.


mytzewastaken t1_j5po4jn wrote

I think it was supposed to be? but in S2 they revealed that it's set in a different universe where Superman is the only superhero on Earth.


stumpcity t1_j5q397z wrote

Even in Season 1 it was mostly divorced from the rest of the Arrowverse. The S2 confirmation was essentially exactly that: A confirmation. Up to that point it seemed pretty standalone in everything but name anyway.


frostycanuck89 t1_j5pp2da wrote

Wild. Probably for the best if the show is gonna be successful, since the Arrowverse is basically done. I gotta say I already prefer this guy as Lex without seeing anything lol. Jon Cryer was an... Interesting choice.