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BobbyWilliamsRedux t1_j6negfe wrote

I’m sure the vulture authors would have preferred the fetch quests from that level with climbing ladder bridges across buildings and getting parts for a battery scattered across town


AgentOfSPYRAL t1_j6nf3rn wrote

I definitely did a LeoPoint when Bill brought the ladder for Frank.


DJuxtapose t1_j6pbla6 wrote

"What we really wanted out of this episode was to see Joel dismantle wire traps for an hour and fifteen minutes before having a two minute conversation with Bill. Ellie and Joel learn about Frank's fate from a couple of notes that they read aloud to each other in the truck. Ellie makes a gag about a gay magazine she's lifted from Bill's place... tosses it out the window. Roll credits. Simple"

Adherence to the source material!


TapedeckNinja t1_j6nxejk wrote

As someone who hasn't played the game, the second half of E1 and all of E2 just felt like fetch quests and cutscenes to me.

Not that they were bad or anything but I was in the "this is a good show that is way overhyped as of now."

E3 was the first one that really hooked me.


powertrip22 t1_j6p335r wrote

Well its a post apocalyptic world, they literally have to find a working car battery.