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Irish_Whiskey t1_j6pbq03 wrote

> That guy is waaaaaaaay more capable than I am

He believed 9/11 was an inside job and burst out his door with a bandolier and gas mask after cursing out the NWO scum.

Like a lot of preppers and gravy seals, you can be very capable at hunting and knowledgeable about guns, but still living a fantasy of what combat actually looks like.

He wasn't mentally healthy. Dying in a shootout against NWO thugs and looters was the fantasy he lived for. Frank served an important role by grounding him and giving him something to live for.

I'll note that I could be wrong and maybe it's not intended. But I thought from the very beginning when he bursts out of his home as the pandemic starts that he was terrible at using his guns. Seeing him standing in the open Cowboy style wasn't a surprise at all when it happened, as it's reasonable characterization that he's not practical about firearms and gunfights. Unlike Joel and Tess, we have no reason to think he's experienced in actual firefights.


Audrin t1_j6pcz83 wrote

Again, I've never touched a gun but I'd shoot out of a window, or from behind a building, or even in a bush.


It took me out of it.


I really think my "he abandons cover to get frank out of the line of fire and that's how he gets shot" would have been much, much better than what happened.
