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metalconfection t1_j6czvvv wrote

if you dont like it by episode 2 its not for you...


[deleted] OP t1_j6dpg00 wrote



Locutus747 t1_j6e5925 wrote

Yea I usually try to give shows I may be interested in based on premise 3-4 episodes to grab me assuming I’m at least mildly entertained. may watch less if I’m really not enjoying the first few.

The thing is there is just so much content to watch and other things to do not tv relayed that it doesn’t make sense to watch shows you don’t enjoy in the hope it may get better down the line


Ftimis t1_j6d07ej wrote

I don't remember having a "click" moment with the show, the premise was intriguing and then I watched it, and I felt like it delivered and I'm now eagerly waiting for season 2. If you didn't find anything to latch onto thus far I don't think there is a point in forcing yourself to like it.


visitorzeta t1_j6d5c57 wrote

I think if you're not into the show by now, it's not for you.


Comin_Up_Thrillho t1_j6czl4b wrote

While I never found myself bored in the early episodes, it definitely picks up as the story develops. I cant wait for season 2.


stechreddit t1_j6d6l2l wrote

You've already watched the best episode.


trubs12 t1_j6dw2qx wrote

I loved the show from the beginning. The creater of the show has 5 season plan for the show so you won't get all the answers...


preppytarg t1_j6fnae0 wrote

Yellowjackets had one of the best pilots in years. If that first episode wasn't enough to hook you, then probably don't bother with the rest.


MengisAdoso t1_j6d6h62 wrote

It's really not a show for people who can't deal with difficult characters. But it's not a matter of "better," it's a matter of whether your personal tastes fit it. The show's not "bad" somehow for you not vibing with it. Sorry, massive pet peeve.


ishtar_the_move t1_j6dd0w2 wrote

Funny I just started watching episode one last night. I watched it just to have some background sound when I played on my phone. But it ended up being so intriguing I am going to re-watch it undistracted.


ShinyBloke t1_j6dofjv wrote

I think it clicks by 3 - 4, but I really liked the whole thing. Very excited for season 2, maybe watch one more and see what you think.


Nodonutsforbaxter44 t1_j6flhfh wrote

"Better" is completely subjective, these posts are just pointless


LordXenu45 t1_j6d0uxy wrote

If you thought the first two episodes were slow it might not be for you. Keep in mind the teens were stranded for over a year and a half, and the writers have a 5 season outline, so it's going to have some build-up before the real crazy stuff happens.

That said, I do think it continued to improve as the season went along. There are a lot of interesting characters in the show and the overall mystery in the adult storyline is pretty solid. However, I was hooked just from the first episode so take that as you want.


Champloo- t1_j6d4js6 wrote

I don't think you're supposed to like most of the characters, I know I didn't and I still enjoyed the show.

But if you didn't like the first episode you probably won't like the rest either.


KingRemoStar t1_j6ezwmy wrote

Yes. They go into the other characters who was on the plane that crashed.


RunningToStayStill t1_j6ggyg0 wrote

If you don't enjoy teenage gossip drama, then this isn't for you.


SeasonGullible616 t1_j6ik90p wrote

I really don’t understand posts like these. It’s all subjective. You either dig it or you don’t.


jogoso2014 t1_j6d8bw0 wrote

I don’t think so.

I think it stays the same overall. I was not a fan of the show though.


sara-ragnarsdottir t1_j6df9fp wrote

I personally wasn't a fan of it. There isn't a specific reason, it's just that the characters weren't compelling enough for me and there wasn't anything that hooked me in, and there should have been since there were plenty of mysteries in it. The story definitely picks up toward the end though


SVALTACT t1_j6dipb9 wrote

I think the buzz around Yellowjackets is a bit overblown.

So if you hear all the hype online and begin watching and waiting for the moment it gets so good that you understand the excitement, I think you will be disappointed

I watched it and thought it was cool and had enough cool mystery to keep my interest, but I don't think it ever reached a great or amazing level.


realdonaldtrumpsucks t1_j6eqnqe wrote

It got better because it came together, but for me by episode 5 I was over it and stopped watching


DevilsTurkeyBaster t1_j6dh2zl wrote

The pacing of the show is a turn-off. But it's necessary to see how the experience impacted the ladies as their future selves. Here's a spoiler though, if you continue to watch you'll be shocked.


0rphan_Martian t1_j6dbsep wrote

Personally I liked it at first, and hated it by the end. I expected a survival story with supernatural elements, like Lord of the Flies but with girls. Seemed like a cool premise.

Instead it’s basically a soap opera in the woods. It’s so unrealistic it ruined everything for me. The girls always find food exactly when they need it, they always have their hair and makeup done, they always have clean clothes, they focus on throwing a party instead of do anything to get rescued. No illness, no poison food, no bugs, no predators or wildlife until they need to kill something to eat, then animals just magically appear. There is no survival element to it at ALL. They act like bored girls at summer camp instead of plane crash survivors.

Even Lost made it feel like the characters actually had to survive while still balancing the supernatural elements.

If you don’t like it now, it only gets worse.


meatball77 t1_j6ftgir wrote

The difference in the aesthetics and behavior between how the girls react and look when stranded between Yellow Jackets and The Wilds is drastic. So much better in The Wilds where they gave the characters chapped faces, dirty and tangled hair and they didn't decide to have prom.


im_a_dick_head t1_j6e4ls7 wrote

No, it was interesting for like 2 episodes then got boring with unlikable characters and flash forwards.

It's like Lost for me, once the flashforwards started I couldn't stand watching anymore. This show could've been so much better if it just showed the teens.
