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SugarPlumCherry t1_j6hmve9 wrote

So much love for the show!

I recently re-watched, and although I love the characters very much, the show went silly as the seasons progressed. It seemed to me that every season finale was even more ridiculous than the previous in an attempt to raise up the stakes, only to return to the status quo in the first episode of the next season.

It was a good show for it's time, but I think it would have played out differently if it was made today.

For example, it was procedural tv in the sense that every episode followed almost the same formula, with the exception of the finales where the vague overarching theme converged to be somehow resolved for that season. First season was fine to have Jarod discover the world and himself, after that, for me at least it became boring and I didn't care for it. I enjoyed more his pretends when it was about dirty Centre secrets, and I think the show suffered a lot not having those showed on screen, in stead of the umpteenth time Jarod saved some poor soul. We already saw that, we have established he is mostly a good person and why he does that. Can we please move on and have a more comprehensive story about his specialness and family he so desperately tries to find. Maybe even an open confrontation w/ Centre trying to sabotage their current evil doings.

Although, I love to watch procedurals from time to time (Grey's, NCISs etc.) I feel that a mystery/sci-fi show has no legs to stand on for that kind of format. Sooner or later you have to answer those mysteries you are hooking people in and to make things interesting an to have some sense. I don't know if the writers didn't know if they'll be renewed or what added to many rehashed plots or not, but the show definitely suffers from Chris Carter effect in the sense that by the end they were making $ up.

Plot holes just grew bigger. For example, in the first season we have that the blond lady knew Jarod and MPs mom from the convent and she helped his parents hide from the Center. And Jarod has a brother who was kidnapped too. Ok, that is believable. Maybe we can build from there. But no.

Then in season two we have the genetics lab from the late 50s/early 60s who knew how much Jarod's genes were important for the Centre to steal him and their parents needed fertility doctor to make him, and they kind of forgot that he had a brother who the Center also kidnapped because he was also special. How were two people who barely could have children able to pop two more after Jarod and for Center to find them and steal one of those too? Timeline is more confusing than Teen Wolf (and anybody who's watched that can confirm how vague Derek's age is and anything to the timeline of the past).

Not to mention even more plot holes and progressive ridiculousness of season 3, 4 finales and adding supernatural element out of nowhere.

I loved Jarod/Miss Parker dichotomy and most of the characters and that was the shows strong suit and the actors really did their job very well.


DonutHoles5 OP t1_j6kht4u wrote

It wasn’t perfect, but man the show was a lot of fun.