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Timelord1000 t1_j6jdm3l wrote

It seemed slow. Does it pick up?


RamboBashore t1_j6jmah8 wrote



APiousCultist t1_j6jv5py wrote

I'd say episode 2 dragged for me a little. But episode 1 from what I remember was pretty representative of the rest of the series. If the looming tension of that didn't grab them, none of the rest of the series is all that likely.


Archamasse t1_j6kdn92 wrote

The first few eps feel a little scattered and random at times, but around ep 4 it becomes apparent it's all been deliberate, so they feel pretty different in retrospect. A lot of stuff that feels like a random throwaway line turns out to have a lot more significance than it seemed to at first.

So I dunno if I could tell you the pace picks up, but the story comes into focus suddenly.