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hannibalbaracka t1_j4xo8pk wrote

Your entire premise is flawed.

A) There is little evidence that immigrants actually suppress wages of native born workers.

This is true for both blue collar and white collar workers.

B) Immigrants are also job creators. They are more likely to found businesses (and employ others) than native born Americans.

C) The idea that it is incumbent on the United States to prevent people from entering the country as an altruistic measure to prevent brain drain in other countries is ludicrous. Not only does it actively hurt the United States, but it is not up to the United States to decide to help other countries in need of doctors by preventing them from immigrating to the US

D) Many countries with universal healthcare currently have high levels of immigration, so it is most certainly possible.

E) Many of these people who want to immigrate are incapable of “working to get their country to US levels” because of risk of persecution, war, climate disaster, authoritarian regimes, bad policymaking and more.

Immigration is proven to be good for the economy, good for immigrants, and good for workers.

And even if it wasn’t good for american workers (which it is), As a communist, you might remember that a certain someone said “Workers of the world, unite!” He didn’t say, “Workers of the world, as long as you’re American, unite.”


AngelicDevilz t1_j4xq95b wrote

I still disagree but am too stoned and lazy to refute you with sources and bullet points.