Submitted by trover2345325 t3_10m9ljo in television

Since, Fox has continuously renewed their only three long-running cartoon series The Simpsons, Family Guy and Bobs Burgers for another two seasons , I am going to talk about why all three animated adult shows have been renewed for more seasons.

The reason The Simpsons, Family Guy and Bobs Burgers have continuously been renewed for more seasons is because they are Fox's and now Disney's cash cow as their shows are considered popular and seeing that they continuously renewed the show for many seasons , maybe the FOX executives could have confessed in a joke (or serious as the three shows are their cash cow) that all three shows will get their "eternal renewal" status and will never ever be cancelled.

But there is another reason why the 3 shows keep getting continuously renewed for more seasons, recent animated shows that aired for FOX get mediocre reception and didn't capture the magic that made the Simpsons, Family Guy and Bobs Burgers popular and is the reason the 3 shows receive their "eternal renewal"status and became long-running ever since.


But there are some risks for the three shows when they keep renewing for more seasons and will never get cancelled

  • Quality decline-when all 3 shows are renewed for more seasons , their quality begins to decline, they might sometime improve or decline which means they will no longer have their quality which bought them to popularity many years ago that would alienate some of their oldest fans because they are no longer the show they watched many years ago.
  • Deceased cast members - Another problem with long-running shows is that cast members who voiced their characters will pass away, especially those who quit, such as Phil Hartman who voiced the recurring casts of the Simpsons like Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure was murdered that his characters were erased from the show, Marcia Wallace who voiced Edna Krabappel passed away causing her character to be killed off from the show which reflects what tvtrope describes "The Character Died with Him" and the recent controversy that revolves around Apu due to the Problem with Apu documentary caused the character to be removed from the show even though the voice actor Hank Azaria (who voiced most of the recurring characters of the Simpsons) is alive. The only solution to end this risk is that executive will take the risky move by recasting the characters with new voice actors, if they would continuously renew the three shows for many seasons.
  • Some of their oldest fans will move on- When the fans find out the show's quality decline, they will move on from the show, but all three shows will still get more fans and will keep them ongoing for more seasons.

Even if the quality of the 3 shows will decline if it keeps on getting renewed for more seasons , Fox will never cancel them as they will be their cash cow that will never be cancelled especially that recent adult animated shows that air on FOX are mediocre and forgotten.

It will take some future daring CEO of FOX to take the risky move by ending the endless renewal of The Simpsons, Family Guy and Bobs Burgers and no longer consider them cash cows as they want the company to move on to other things instead of continuously renewing all 3 animated shows for more seasons.

That way, it will be considered a historic year that all 3 animated shows will get a real, proper sendoff and say goodbye to their fans after a long run.

But for now, FOX and even Disney will repeatedly renew the Simpsons, Family Guy and Bobs Burgers for many more seasons with their "eternal renewal" status that will prevent them from cancellation.



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Throwhfx073 t1_j63bf2q wrote

This reads like a ChatGPT essay.


KhausTO t1_j63uhyn wrote

Yeah, This has to be AI generated.


wittor t1_j68ymfk wrote

>Even if the quality of the 3 shows will decline if it keeps on getting renewed for more seasons , Fox will never cancel them as they will be their cash cow that will never be cancelled especially that recent adult animated shows that air on FOX are mediocre and forgotten.

I think this is more like the reason people can use it and pass as human. I mean, at least the machine would use proper syntax rules.


meowskywalker t1_j63o1ok wrote

“Why do they keep cancelling unpopular shows?” is a frustratingly popular question around these parts when the answer would seem to be self evident. But “why won’t they cancel a popular show?” is a new kind of ridiculous. “The government should make a law forcing networks to cancel popular shows that I personally don’t enjoy.” Fuck you.


Try_Another_Please t1_j64s38g wrote

It seems to be increasing sadly. Every show renewal is just inundated with a million people who apparently don't like it acting shocked it would be renewed despite having great ratings.

It's fucking annoying.


PoopStickler69 t1_j61tjqg wrote

All three of those shows do gangbusters on-demand and streaming.

People don’t necessarily watch when they air, but people will put on episodes of all three while relaxing or while working and burn through like 3-5 episodes in a sitting.

All three are also basically produced on auto-pilot at this point and the networks don’t have to do any micromanaging or deal with any bullshit.

IMHO the only show that’s really anything special still is Bob’s Burgers.

Like you said, none of the other shows they’ve tried have gotten any traction as well.

But these three shows are consistent with decent, not great, ratings that have drama free productions.

Also, everyone knows when all three shows are on so they don’t have to spend any money on advertising for any of them.


trover2345325 OP t1_j61wmcd wrote

>All three are also basically produced on auto-pilot at this point and the networks don’t have to do any micromanaging or deal with any bullshit.
>Also, everyone knows when all three shows are on so they don’t have to spend any money on advertising for any of them.

Fascinating and as I said earlier, all 3 shows are now on "eternal renewal" status which means they will never be cancelled unless one daring CEO would decide that all 3 must be cancelled immediately so that the company will move on to other things whether they like it or not leaving them to air their final season and say goodbye to their fans.


PoopStickler69 t1_j61wtuc wrote

They’re easy money and they stream on Disney platforms.

It’s cheap/easy content that they know will get views.


trover2345325 OP t1_j628hf1 wrote

In the current age, the business part of the entertainment industry takes the lazy route, instead of focusing on making new programs to get more cash instead of doing nothing but give an "eternal renewal"stamp on three animated shows which ran their course and only give them budget.


I wish some law or some new CEO would convince and force the people who keeps on renewing the three shows toe end it immediately and give it a final season so they can focus only on new stuff, which is risky but it's a worthy challenge.


PoopStickler69 t1_j62dmno wrote

What are you even talking about?!

People enjoy these shows. People watch these shows in huge numbers.

You must be like 12 years old bro.


trover2345325 OP t1_j62jtix wrote

The truth is why can't the television people like Disney/Fox tell the truth that they want the show to be forever renewed and if they want to be forever renew the three shows then instead of renewing the show for 2 more season they should say forever renewed no cancelation, that's what they should say so that people who wish the show to be canceled just give up and say the show has the renewed forever tag there is nothing they can do about it.


hopalongigor t1_j64uot8 wrote

Your representation of their "popularity" is essentially wrong and misplaced. These shows have consistently been in the Top 20 in their time slots since forever. That is why they've been renewed continuously. When that changes, then they won't. Very simple. Your "opinion" on the matter or anyone else's are irrelevant. It's always about the numbers.