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SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_j6fqg2z wrote

>I think it is funny that these "offensive" comedians (Burr, Barr, Chappelle) turned into whiny bitches at the smallest sign of rocky waters...

I wonder why comedians are upset that people are trying to have their careers derailed by lunatics who can't stand free speech. What a conundrum.

There are even some morons who are trying to change the definition of freedom of speech do that it only applies to the government. All they do is show their own ignorance and lack if intelligence as they've clearly never heard of Salman Rushdie.

Insane to think how Reddit used to be pro-free speech and anti-censorship.

>meanwhile Winkler was laughed at by the JumpTheShark fad for fucking years and years, he just shrugged that shit off and made great comedy.

What even is this comparison? How is that comparable all?


DontSleep1131 t1_j6gy221 wrote

Chapelle like many people who talk about cancel culture alot have not in fact ever been canceled. a portion of the population got offended, which happens all the time, it used to be religious groups.

now they use, im getting cancelled, line as form of advertising. its a way to draw in some of their fanbase. its very tried and true tactic.

and it works.
