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ContinuumGuy t1_j64p2y3 wrote

I remember he said previously how there are three major space franchises in the English-speaking world (Star Trek, Star Wars, and DW), and that of the three, Doctor Who is the only one that doesn't have a near-endless stream of content. Not surprised he's looking to get to that level.


CashWho t1_j677vuz wrote

Ehh that's kinda weird to say considering it does have plenty of content, just not televised. There's loads and loads of comics and books and once you add the audioplays, you have literally hundreds of hours of content to consume.


RogueIslesRefugee t1_j67nuh9 wrote

I think it was in regards to new content constantly coming out, not just having a large back catalogue of content.


CashWho t1_j682wwy wrote

Right but that's what I'm talking about. Doctor Who audioplays come out every month and while the other avenues have slowed down, we still get a few books and comics per year.


DeedTheInky t1_j686dth wrote

The 8th Doctor pretty much entirely exists in the Big Finish audio shows which I think is neat. In the 'main' show I think we've only seen him in the 90's TV movie, a Youtube short and that cameo in 13's last episode.