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Chemical-Engineer979 t1_jabvdah wrote

Laid out to quick man… dont jus say ur feelings esp after sex. U get up cook breakfast and enjoy the freaking time. Then go along on ur way and keep doin ur thing. If she liked it shed hang out again and again then mayb u talk about feelings. U dont just jump out the friend zone right into bf mode and darn sure dont tell a girl how much u love her unless she asks, at least not till after a while of serious hangin out. Let her be her she may not want to be serious and may need time to get comfy. Ur not wrong just ur timing. Sometimes people are complicated try working on controling ur feelings first. Dont get too obsessed ovr people thats how people go nutz.


Confession_gonne_bad OP t1_jaear1e wrote

Yeah for sure I didn’t thought what I said through, definitely let my emotions take me over and ended screwing everything up jajaja, I’ve got a lot to lear from this for sure, thanks for the advice :)


Chemical-Engineer979 t1_jaefeqo wrote

Now take that and say it to the girl if u wanna at least salvage ur friendship. It is very hard for a woman to find a male friend she can be comfy with and trust so they dont always wanna just cut u off for a mistake. Take the sex outta the equation and try to salvage ur friendship. Shes prolly more upset she lost a friend if anything. Yall were friends, hung out and then had sex, prolly a good time then boom u hit her with emotions b4 she could go home and reflect on it. Jus try to tell her what u told us and hope u stay friends and MAYBE more. Date other woman and mayb ull see that there is someone u like more


Confession_gonne_bad OP t1_jaek4oa wrote

Honestly, I’m glad I posted here, although I didn’t get thousands of comments like other posts, I feel that I got what I needed to hear, after reading you guys comments I sent her a text so that we could speak, and thankfully she agreed, so tonight we’re meting for coffee to speak, I really appreciate all of the words that motivated me, honestly I’m really grateful to everyone


Chemical-Engineer979 t1_jaf4ugh wrote

Good luck and glad u had the balls to speak to her. Jus b honest and remember the friendship is whats important