Submitted by SquishMis t3_1159gzg in tifu

(Apologies for this text wall on mobile)To make this understandable I'll just start with this, I've had a pretty severe cough for about 6 days now. At first I didn't think too much of it, I smoke weed and tobacco daily, and my mother had some sinus issues and I though maybe I had the same thing a bit more severely. This is where I fucked up. After a few days I could barely breathe and my pulse oxymeter I have at home was reading 92 so I took a COVID test. Negative. Now something else important to note is I have a lot of mental health problems that would bore you, so even at that state I didn't want to go to a doctor. (Side note still haven't. I was admitted 2 years ago with sepsis sensory nightmare no thank you) However my severe breathing difficulties did make me stop smoking. Flash forward to today. I decided to clean my favorite piece, with bees and honey combs up the sides, when I remember, just before I smoked this last, for a few days actually, it had smelled distinctly like plant matter. I put in the solution I use to clean and notice after a bit what's coming off the sides is not dissolving. It's flaking off in sheet. Like mold. I immediately jump on Google and learn that dirty bongs contain something known as Bio-slime literally like a gelatinous mass of microorganisms. I still can barely walk across my apartment my breathing is so terrible. I've been smoking out of glass for years how had I not known this.

TLDR; I didn't change my Bong water enough and it grew bio-slime. Now I could have pneumonia or any other number of respiratory conditions from a "oh it'll never happen to me" attitude. UPDATE: I am not currently seeking medical care as yes the home pulse ox says its a bit low but it is above 90 consistently. It is not a medical emergency unless it drops below 88, I also have no other symptoms besides shortness of breath and cough. I have no transportation for myself as I cannot drive due to medical conditions, and I am not going to tie up emergency services for bullshit. Also if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all thank you.



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kb-g t1_j90jfyt wrote

My dude, you are at the hospital I hope? Oxygen saturation of 92% in a normally healthy person is really concerning for a serious illness.

Please update us that you’re getting medical attention.


taykittten t1_j9199sx wrote

I used to refer to it as bongchitis


PureQuackery t1_j9310at wrote

Breathing stagnant water can give you legionella / legionnaires' disease (look it up), and smoking is a risk factor.
It can cause permanent damage to the lungs, and can be fatal when untreated... You should consider seeing a doctor if you haven't already.


climbgees t1_j910cl5 wrote

You paint a vivid picture my friend

Now get the fuck to the hospital


IdiotsThrowaway1373 t1_j91weno wrote

Um, go to the fucking hospital bro what, thats like life threatening man


SorakaWithAids t1_j9h1euu wrote

Lol I clean my bong 2x a day. Shit gets too nasty to smoke after a few hours howbthe fuck do you guys even smoke such filth


RudeSprinkles1240 t1_j928198 wrote

Why do you have a pulse ox?


SquishMis OP t1_j92flus wrote

Toddler had rsv last year. Saved his life actually.


RudeSprinkles1240 t1_j9337vy wrote

Aren't you the hero, exposing a toddler to cannabis smoke and refusing to get medical attention for a respiratory infection, further compromising said toddler's respiratory health? Extra points for the toddler already having come close to death from a respiratory infection.

So, no big loss?