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pieceofshit_lol OP t1_j9x70jc wrote

As I wrote, this was something serious. I wouldn't keep things from my partner, ever, specially a sensitive topic like this.


vaguegeneralitiessss t1_j9xa18m wrote

One last contribution to this... odd post

Being a serious mature adult partner is more than keeping things from one another or not.

A true partner doesn't engage in harmful behavior. Not that I think what occurred was but you two kiddos seem to think it may have.. Nice of you to declare you don't hide things from your partner but the real adults.. Don't do dumb shit like this and then feel the need to seek reassurance or responses online. That's why I said that part was more interesting. Why you felt the need to save them then in a way that you knew would upset her tell her about it and go on discord and pick out some to keep till she's crying good night?

Seems really..healthy and awesome and mature? /s


vaguegeneralitiessss t1_j9x8fvm wrote

But... Being an adult means you know the moment you send a photo out it's out.

There is zero reason to panic with a cloud. Saving. Whatever. It is out. And if you are so traumatized that you are on discord crying picking photos..

Perhaps neither of you are ready for that level of technological exchange. You are never safe in the world of pictures be they on the cloud or phone or printed. Think before you do. And if you really love someone don't hurt them because you wanna keep something they already sent to you on an unsecured platform by talking about how you messed up. Just save your stuff and move on. It's not hiding. You didn't sell her photo or post it. You didn't open it to the masses any more than her sending it did.
