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hamsterpopcorn t1_j9xb7f8 wrote

While choosing the photos was definitely not the right move and they should have just been deleted altogether…

Please, please, please, if you REALLY don’t want your nudes getting out and you’re scared of having them leaked, just don’t send them. Or at the very least, do something that deletes itself like Snapchat (since it’ll also notify you if someone screenshots) with someone you trust to not pull anything sneaky around that to capture the image.

Even people with good intentions, like OP, can still risk those nudes getting out there without necessarily meaning to.

Too big of a risk with major consequences.


vaguegeneralitiessss t1_j9xc2up wrote

Yes!!! Do not place yourself in a position to be uncomfortable with your own photos Realize anything captured on phones or videos.. even just yours.. isn't safe. Be comfortable and aware always of your image and where it may can be.


physco219 t1_j9yf6ww wrote

Stating the obvious here but there are programs that can take a screenshot and Snapchat hasn't a clue so it doesn't report it to you. Also someone could easily just use another camera or phone camera and get copies that way. The only way to prevent leaks is to not send in the 1st place.


hamsterpopcorn t1_j9z7px2 wrote

That’s why I also said with someone you trust to not pull anything sneaky to capture the image, I was referring to that. But you are correct, the easiest way is to just not send them in the first place.


physco219 t1_ja12v14 wrote

I was agreeing with but pointing it out for the few less savvy with tech because of the reference to Snapchat is all.


hamsterpopcorn t1_ja13325 wrote

Probably helpful for people to know the ways around it and have that information, thanks stranger!


physco219 t1_ja18kaf wrote

While I am highly tech-savvy (don't ask I signed an NDA) I know a lot of others who aren't. They can be younger or older or even my age but I am the go-to and the 1st to be called when they see something on FB or if their computer is acting weird. The last convo I had with a friend in her 80s was "my camera on zoom shows my door on the wrong side, how come and how do I move my door." It was just a flipped video and had me laughing for the rest of the day, but I walked her thru fixing her door without her realizing the entire video was flipped. Only after did I explain and it made sense when I asked her about photos with writing she had taken a long long time ago. So I try to point out things that are obvious to many but many others go "oh I didn't think of that. Just so happened that your awesome comment tweaked my need to add my insight and share the 411.


hamsterpopcorn t1_ja199kk wrote

You know, saying that just makes me want to ask...

Must admit I'm definitely not the most tech savvy. I grew up with technology so I know how to navigate it, but I couldn't tell you how a lot of things work. Input like yours is always much appreciated, especially when considering horny teenagers who don't realize the danger of sending sexual pictures and videos!


Solid-Effective-457 t1_ja00zmm wrote

Also confused as to why he was so adamant that he couldn’t delete them. Like why couldn’t he have said “hey I absolutely loved those photos and while trying to save them, I accidentally uploaded them to the cloud, your privacy trumps everything so I immediately deleted them. I’d love to have a few more for the future because I love being able to be intimate looking at you when we can’t be intimate together”? She was willing to send them once, she’s probably willing to do it again. Tell her that you love her and love her body but for fucks sake don’t make her sit and decide which ones are “keepers” with you


hamsterpopcorn t1_ja015pl wrote

True, does she still have the nudes on her phone? Either way, she can just take more. Really confused why this happened the way it did.


Solid-Effective-457 t1_ja01lj8 wrote

Precisely. Odds are she still has them unless she deleted them AND deleted them from her recently deleted. Plus taking more isn’t that hard. She already sent him some which says she trusts him, I guarantee after the way he handled this situation, she will not be sending any more for a veryyyy looooong time