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vaguegeneralitiessss t1_j9xboqp wrote

This is precious If you send a nude as an actual adult be prepared for it to go to anyone. Even your douche bf who will make you cry whilst perusing them. Yall some real weirdos. She should not be taking and sending these pics. She's not there. She's uncomfortable. She's doing it though. So I'm confused. Why are we supposed to feel anything but.. what even is this post but a boys way of talking about he has nudes and wanted to save them and because he is so new to technology doesn't get the moment they leave and travel t9 him... They are fair game. They are out there. If someone is gonna hack his anything sweetie trust they will get alllll the things worth having. And if someone is so personal and dedicated to getting the naked pics he has... they will get them. Why this dude made her go through knowing this dumb shit and then... picking through them until she cried...

That's the real mystery/interesting bit


Eraevn t1_j9xnr2c wrote

That is the true fuck up part, should have dumped em and called it a day rather than awkwardly going through them like that.