Submitted by allintospace t3_11coihz in tifu

This happened on Friday past.

Usual morning commute to work on the bus. Approaching my stop I get up and stand at the rear door and ring the bell. As the bus stops I hear the mechanism for the doors kick in and notice them begin to part/open. In response, I quickly move forward, but the doors spring back and my head is sandwiched between them. A few second pass before they begin to open again and I'm released.

I stood back to process what just happened and assess my next move.

Watching the doors spasm back and forth, they're mostly open now. I figured I could make it through if I was quick.

No, the doors clamp my head again. This time they practically bounced off my head before opening entirely. So I sheepishly took my chance and made my escape.

No injuries and very few witnesses, so I consider myself lucky. Still, not very dashing.

TL;DR: Managed to get my head stuck in the bus doors twice, but lived to tell the tale.



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Reelplayer t1_ja48vkd wrote

You go around sticking your head out in front of the rest of your body often? Big fan of horses perhaps?


allintospace OP t1_ja4aouy wrote

Actually I'm quite tall and have to duck a bit to clear the doors. Not good for the posture.


FuzeJokester t1_ja4wrgw wrote

I understand the post now and I feel your pain. Especially those houses with low ceilings and the fans are literally in your face. Not to mention you truly see how much dust someone has on their fans and fridge tops.

They need to be more accommodating to tall people smh. Not our fault we are giants and need taller everything


greenmachine11235 t1_ja69upa wrote

I see your dislike of ceiling fans and raise you umbrellas. People don't freaking consider that a umbrella just above their head is at my eye line and also don't consider how wide they are so I'm constantly dodging around them.


Alt_dimension_visitr t1_ja63s1w wrote

I'll share my brief happy story. I moved into a new place and didn't even check the shower head location. I always have to get those extensions to raise the shower head. My new place has it up high! I couldn't believe it. I was butt ass naked getting ready to shower and fucking happy about my new place. It's like I belong here


Sugreev2001 t1_ja56u6e wrote

Tall people need that extra bit of spatial awareness.


Bird_Up23 t1_ja5ma00 wrote

This is genuinely the first time I’ve ever laughed out loud reading a Reddit post. I’m really sorry that happened to you but that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard this month. Probably top 3 this year.


Ghost17088 t1_ja4wyqn wrote

Thank you sensitive edge/obstruction detection systems.


PizzaPlanetPizzaGuy t1_ja6fcad wrote

Oh that really sucks. I had an old coworker who witnessed someone get their uuuhhhhh junk stuck in those doors. Dunno how but he sure was screaming.


Mother_Pain t1_ja7sf67 wrote

Thaaks for the good laugh gif


Its_Spring_Break t1_ja8lobr wrote

I’d be so pissed at the bus driver not paying attention to the fact that someone is trying to exit the damn bus.