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Midtownpatagonia t1_jacztla wrote

Hey man. I know this is going to get downvoted but please ignore these comments. People who cheat while you should be ashamed of yourself --- doesn't mean you're/you'll be a bad father.

You definitely should BE in your daughter's life. Your daughter deserve to have her father in her life. Now, you need to show her that while two people don't belong with each other --- you guys can still be a family and work together because the love for your daughter is greater.

While your wife has every right to leave, I think she is being selfish here about moving to another country while she has a kid with you. IMO -- once you have kids, it is about your kids. Kids deserve to have close proximity within reason to both of their parents.

To be honest, while yes... your mistakes ruined your marriage as it should. Cheating while selfish doesn't constitute you to lose the right to parent and be in your child's life. Hopefully, you can talk to your soon to be ex wife about this and compromise on something.

You made mistakes that caused a lot of pain and suffering for someone you married. Doesn't mean you're evil.The important thing is to be a better human. Keep your head up and don't demonize yourself too much. It's important to continue to work on yourself.


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jad0sgn wrote

Thank you. I know I have no right to ask for another chance to be in my wife’s life.

I ruined that completely and forever.

I wish more than anything that my daughter could have both my wife and I in her life, but for a number of (perfectly understandable) reasons, staying in my country is not an option for my wife.

If it becomes a choice between my country and my wife’s country I honestly think my country would be better for the upbringing of a child. I also think that I could provide a loving and supportive upbringing

I failed as a husband but I love my daughter more than anything and I honestly think that I could be a good father.

I know that nobody will ever believe it. My shame is eternal
