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Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jad6vz6 wrote

I accept that what I have done is abhorrent and the natural reaction is that I am irredeemable and will never be fit to be a parent.

I have cheated and I caused the breakup of an otherwise happy family. Nothing I will ever do will be able to erase the shame and guilt I have over this.

Emotions aside, I think I have a better chance of giving daughter a decent upbringing in my country than my wife’s. It’s not just about how much money she will be able to spend on daughter. The whole environment considered, I think daughter could be better off with me


Thisisthatguy99 t1_jad8cei wrote

Ok, I’m done with this conversation. Go ahead and hurt your family even more, then you have, instead of doing the right thing for once. You don’t want to listen to reason. You just want to do what you want AGAIN. Proving AGAIN how selfish you are. You’ve already admitted that you will never be able to provide mentally/emotionally the way mom can. You are looking strictly at financial… what you can spend and where that money can afford to have you live… but money can be given away… and you can still provide a decent life for your daughter from half way across the world.

I get where your coming from, as a single father. But if I knew there was someone who could give my son a better mental/emotional life while I paid in the background… I would do it because its what’s best for him, and that’s what matters most. But with my situation, there is no one else, just me and him.


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jad8tih wrote

But it won’t be just me and my daughter here. I also don’t know if comparing a mothers love and a fathers love is right but I can’t do anything about that.

I know I love my daughter very much and I could give her a good upbringing


BeckyW77 t1_jae9gol wrote want to do it at the cost of further destroying your wife? Have you not ONE PARTICLE OF SHAME? (No, you don't.)


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jaea3ye wrote

I can only try and balance what I think is best for my daughter and my wife and for me that means trying to make sure my daughter gets the best upbringing I can give her despite the mess that I’ve made