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Quantum-Reee t1_j9vefih wrote

I truly don’t understand that. I don’t understand why a person would explain there problems and then not want help or the answer to there problems. It just doesn’t make any sense.


LaHawks t1_j9vfb4e wrote

Have you ever heard how programmers use rubber ducks? When they come to a standstill with a coding problem, they explain the code line by line to the duck. By doing this, they usually find their mistake in the code and are able to rectify it.

Same concept.


DragonfruitOk6901 t1_j9vjt73 wrote

Find a rubber duck then.

Quit dumping your life story/trauma onto others who are openly ill-equipped to handle your shit, then consider them unfriendly for saying so. Friends can support you without being a pillar for you to lean on and use, and it's not everybody else's job to process things for you, that's why people get paid to do it.