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lucidrevolution t1_j9vj1mw wrote

Your friend sounds like it's possible they have something that is complicating their mood stability and feeding into unhealthy coping mechanisms... probably something like Borderline Personality Disorder, and I offer that only because the OP's description is freakishly similar to a close friend who had that Dx and when she was sometimes unable to afford her medication, she quickly spiralled into her own personal doom. Same meltdowns, "my life is over" sort of stuff all the time... constantly in a state of imminent abandonment and overall chaos... Dated the worst types of guys who were never going to treat her properly or allow her to be herself fully... so it was just constant fighting and conflict.

Since then I also went back to school for psych and so I got a lot of useful education that helped me understand how much of what she was doing was really not within her ability to avoid doing. So no, OP, you did not FU here. Your friend needs help, regardless of what the formal Dx would be... as her behavior is not indicating she's in a good place and she's engaging in some degree of self-harm even if it's just financially.

My friend is doing great now, btw. Found a very kind partner, got married, had a kid... once she got herself back on track and the right meds/therapy. Assuming there is a legit psych reason for her unstable behavior... there IS hope things will sort themselves out.

If your friend gets themselves under the care of someone who can help them see they are not living their best life by allowing their dysfunction to rule their chance at happiness... then a lot of the other stuff should fade into yesterday and leave room for a much more stable tomorrow.