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BroccoliPrince t1_j6vbxx3 wrote

Wild tbh. Keep an eye out on your thrifting adventures and see if you find any more of them to grab for a little petty vindication tbh πŸ˜‚


froglover215 t1_j6vowqd wrote

If OP finds more, she should just buy them and slowly add them to the dishwasher, a few at a time. Keep it up until there are like 50. Never say anything.


Anakin_Sandwalker t1_j6wu6gh wrote

Double down and write her name in sharpie on the new ones as well. Try to do it exactly the same as she did so that she thinks it was, in fact, her that wrote on all these new cups.


Dagamoth t1_j6xa9tw wrote

Slightly misspell it though just to tweak her nose.


jiivanili t1_j6yawgg wrote

If there's an "I"in her name, replace it with a "y" on a few of them.


coldgator t1_j6vcwsq wrote

Yes please find more and take a picture of them in the store before you buy them so she doesn't just claim you stole them from her again


transcendentdanae OP t1_j70b68b wrote

I bought some different cups from the store yesterday, and did think to take a picture with the sticker still on… crazy times.