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SmokinJoe31 t1_j6vojrn wrote

Find lots more the same. At 4 for a dollar, 10 dollars worth would be hilarious to just keep adding to her collection.


Maatix t1_j6wgnom wrote

This. Buy tons of them. Use nothing but these cups.

Then ask her to stop her cups from mating - They're starting to cover the floor. "I would stop putting them there but I can't possibly be buying them, so it couldn't be me. They're your cups and only your cups."

Or, better yet, gift a set to every class. Watch her implode when EVERY class has "her cups."


Dorians_picture t1_j6xg34i wrote

I’m prepared to donate to this GoFundMe


Rob_Bligidy t1_j6y95ev wrote

Seriously though. If they want to act crazy, let’s drive them absolutely bonkers. I love it!


wheatgrass_feetgrass t1_j6yyfol wrote

This is how I stay sane. Fighting someone's crazy doesn't work half the time. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. Sometimes you gotta just let someone get away with harmless crazy. But, if you're lucky, you can do more than that. You can join in. Lean in to their crazy, amplify it, back them into a crazy corner of their own creation. Best case scenario they actually have to feel the effects of their lunacy, and it causes them to reflect and repent. Worst case scenario you have a little fun.


cookiecutie707 t1_j6z2sj7 wrote

Broke emergency service worker but I’ll chip in for 4 cups at least lol


Dassiell t1_j6z8964 wrote

write her name on the bottom before gifting


Silly_Silicon t1_j73lcrw wrote

This is hilarious. I’m imagining they have to have a meeting with their superior to discuss the problem of this teacher’s cups procreating at a ridiculous pace. There isn’t any room for other peoples dishes because her cups are everywhere, hundreds of them and it just keeps increasing. Her name is written on every single one, and as she has informed us already, there is no way anyone else could have brought these cups so they have to be hers. All we’re asking is that she starts giving her cups a contraceptive to prevent a further explosion in their population before these poor children are buried alive in cups.


Sneakiest_Of_Sneaks t1_j7bfu6d wrote

Do this! Best way to prove you're not stealing cups, is to buy a ridiculous amount of cups


RandoCalrissian11 t1_j6xavbw wrote

100% this is the best plan.

Go to every thrift store in the area and buy them all. Even write her name on the bottom of all of them. Slowly increase the schools population of cups. Leave them laying around random places until administrators start telling her to not leave her cups lying around.


usedTP t1_j6xnufa wrote

Misspell her name though.


kaeji t1_j6xygda wrote

No no no....spell her name right, then scribble it out and write your name.


DanelleDee t1_j6xmp3z wrote

Absolutely. By any more you find, and try to scratch your initials into the bottom or something (because you can remove sharpie with alcohol, so if you label them that way she can easily remove it. Etching will still be there even if she tries to co-opt them by writing her name on them.)


transcendentdanae OP t1_j70atue wrote

I’m sure I’ll come across more eventually, and do plan to buy them. Unfortunately they are pretty generic cups, so hard to do a Google search on. I’ll sneak a picture if I can, but might be hard. She claims she is never using the dishwasher again, since it clearly does more harm than good! If I get a picture, I certainly will post.


Sakeandme t1_j70yays wrote

try michaels, the craft store. they have a pretty big selection of generic glassware in bulk. I bought a set of 16 votive candle glass holders there for $11. They have drinking glasses too.


ReallyGene t1_j6ymyfg wrote

And write her name on them in handwriting that clearly isn't hers.

Keep doing this until she has hundreds of glasses.