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ilhares t1_j9tw9h9 wrote

> he will remember that great tip for years to come

Can confirm. I still remember my best/worst delivery. Person who took the order (via phone) failed to give me some very important details to reach the customer dwelling. An hour spent trying to find their place to get them the food. Business owner was having a raging fit, got into an actual argument with the customer claiming they were outside the delivery area in the first place (they weren't, the phone monkey screwed up big time).
Once I finally found their place and explained the situation, they were very understanding. They told me to keep the food (as it had cooled too much), and to tell my boss he was a dickhead (they'd been arguing on the phone for a while).

After all that, they reach into their pockets and just start bringing out wads of crumpled cash and they tip me for the efforts anyway. I went home with an extra 30+ in my pocket for NOT giving somebody their food. I still remember exactly where that house is today, and how cool those people were about everything.
And it's hard to forget the guys who kept inviting me in when I'd deliver to try and get me stoned or drunk (it was always game day!).
I enjoyed most of the people I got to meet, and the good definitely outweighed the bad.