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timotheosis t1_j9tpwsl wrote

You're a good person. That brightened my day.


jeff92k7 t1_j9tuqti wrote

As a former pizza delivery driver, you are the best of people. Even though it was unplanned, it likely made an even bigger difference than you can imagine.

Plus, he will remember that great tip for years to come and will likely jump to make a fast delivery anytime he sees your address come up in the future, so you may end up with even better service for that simple act of kindness. Delivery drivers remember the people that tip well, as well as the people that don't tip. Service/delivery time/food quality adjusts accordingly.

I would not call this a TIFU. This is a Today I Made Someone Else's Life Better!


Airhead72 t1_j9twdey wrote

Also former pizza driver, can confirm. Years after I left I still remember the good tippers and occasionally think of the best ones. That might have been the high point of his time there.

I had some mistake tips that were given back and I understood, but there's still a little disappointment.


ramvan t1_j9tzbz1 wrote

That can go both ways, too. I remember being a broke ass college student and tipping a Dennys waitress some crazy amount (like rounding up our $15 to $50) and seeing how much the server appreciated it made me feel happier. It’s been many many years and I still remember how little it cost me to make someone else happy.


pm_me_succ t1_j9tyhjt wrote

If this happened to me I wouldn't want to order from the same place again in case the driver shows up and is disappointed when he just gets a normal tip :(


ilhares t1_j9tw9h9 wrote

> he will remember that great tip for years to come

Can confirm. I still remember my best/worst delivery. Person who took the order (via phone) failed to give me some very important details to reach the customer dwelling. An hour spent trying to find their place to get them the food. Business owner was having a raging fit, got into an actual argument with the customer claiming they were outside the delivery area in the first place (they weren't, the phone monkey screwed up big time).
Once I finally found their place and explained the situation, they were very understanding. They told me to keep the food (as it had cooled too much), and to tell my boss he was a dickhead (they'd been arguing on the phone for a while).

After all that, they reach into their pockets and just start bringing out wads of crumpled cash and they tip me for the efforts anyway. I went home with an extra 30+ in my pocket for NOT giving somebody their food. I still remember exactly where that house is today, and how cool those people were about everything.
And it's hard to forget the guys who kept inviting me in when I'd deliver to try and get me stoned or drunk (it was always game day!).
I enjoyed most of the people I got to meet, and the good definitely outweighed the bad.


bmbreath t1_j9u08xh wrote

It's been many years, but I look back with fond memories of drunk people watching the game; inviting me into their house to have a beer and /or a slice with them for 5 minutes.


weirdmountain t1_j9uvd8j wrote

Former pizza delivery guy here too. I will never forget the time that I was delivering to a bunch of older adults who are partying in a motel, and the guy at the door was paying for his $15 order and handed me a 20, with which I was plenty happy. At the time, that was an awesome tip. There is a guy in the back of the room yelling “hook that dude up!“ And the guy who is paying me asks me “is that enough, man?“ And I just said to the guy “hey man, I am grateful for whatever you give me. A tip is always a bonus…”. The guy in the back is still yelling. “hook that dude up!“So the guy at the door says “ I just don’t wanna rip you off man…” And then hands me another 20, and says “is that enough?” And I just repeated what I said to him before. That $25 tip on a $15 order was something that I will probably never forget as long as I live.


devnullius t1_j9tpmd4 wrote

That's the spirit 👍


noidagamervedang t1_j9trg9v wrote

it is not a TIFU


AlexandriaA7X t1_j9trkea wrote

Things like this make me believe that someone is watching out for us. That guy probably had something to put that money towards


starhoppers t1_j9trumc wrote

You made my day…..there are still kind people out there!


JaySayMayday t1_j9u4ixu wrote

OP deleted it, so at least they made your day. I'm left in confusion


Lined_the_Street t1_j9ujw53 wrote

Here you go fellow redditor...

Last night, my boyfriend and I ordered a pizza.

Unfortunately, I didn't know that I had already paid using my debit card. Upon delivery, I ended up with $40 in my hand and gave the delivery guy a 25% tip on top of what was paid online.

The delivery man, who was a man in his 30s, barely spoke English and drove a beat-up car.

However, he expressed his gratitude with great enthusiasm by telling me "thank you!" It was then that I realized I had just given him double the amount of the order. I hesitated to admit my mistake and ask for a refund, but the delivery man's reaction changed my mind.

When I saw the smile on the delivery man's face, I knew that the money meant a lot to him. He was so happy that he even made a little jump when he got into his car.

Although I wasn't rich, I felt good about helping someone who needed it more than me. I felt a little silly for making the mistake, but the joy I saw in the delivery man's eyes brightened my day.

This story may seem insignificant, but for me, it was really cool.

TL;DR : I paid double for a pizza because of my distraction, but I have no regrets. The joy I brought to this person was priceless.

Edit: I opened this before putting my phone down for a while. When I came back to read the post didn't let me vote on it so I knew something was up. So after reading your comment I decided to copy and paste. I hope you enjoy OP's story


LiquidSillyness t1_j9tw1nl wrote

Flip of the coin delivery stories ?

I had a delivery to this sweet old lady. It was the first time she ordered from our shop. Her order was cash for around 25 dollars. She hands me two bills, in the reflection of my headlights off her slider door, i could see she handed me a twenty and a hundred dollar bill. I asked her if she'd like change back, She happily replied no, keep the change. I asked her if she's sure, she's getting mildly annoyed with this line of questions by now but says yes again. I ask her if she's aware she handed me a hundred dollar bill. The shock that crosses her face, she absolutely did not realize, she thought she grabbed a ten and twenty. I give her back the hundred and she comes back with another twenty and sure about no change this time. She's a fairly regular customer now.

Another order, about 65 bucks, guy gave me a wad of twenties, no change back. Got around the corner from his house and realized it was 5 twenties, called him real quick, explained that i don't think he intentionally meant to hand me the fifth one and i didn't get far if he needed it. He said i was right but because of my honesty, dont worry about it and keep it. He orders regularly now as well.


finetobacconyc t1_j9tre8c wrote

Exactly what this sub needs, a true, life changing FU


BadDogEDN t1_j9tuapm wrote

This is word for word a respost, either that or I'm going crazy, I really hope its not, but the
"delivery man, who was a man in his 30s, barely spoke English"

"he even made a little jump when he got into his car."


really stand out to me, I know i've read this before


DanT102 t1_j9tqbg4 wrote

I hope he pays it forward! Good on you for letting him keep it, you never know what chain reaction of positive events will occur because of your generosity.


PMmecrossstitch t1_j9twfm5 wrote

You just paid for next oil change or his gas for the next few days, if not the whole week. This is lovely.

You're a lovely person.


davidowicza t1_j9tt7f0 wrote

My wife did this for our son's first haircut.

Went to a kids barber shop, they have a $30 first haircut special that has all the bells and whistles that us first time parents eat up...

Anyway, as she paid for some reason on the tip line she thought she had to put the entire amount plus tip, so she put $40. As I was balancing our accounts a couple days later I see the $70 charge they hit us with... I got in the care to drive there and noticed the receipt still in the car and saw what my wife put as tip...

Guess we made a hairdresser pretty happy that day haha.


ncc170what t1_j9tuuzs wrote

People say gaurdian angels are not real, but in that moment You were his gaurdian angel!


GezzaG t1_j9txqva wrote

Awesome thing to do made me smile 😊


PoliticianSlayer t1_j9u163o wrote

Now imagine if employers were forced to pay living wages. Crazy I know. Then we wouldn't have $40 feel good stories.


Leichtl t1_j9ttwrd wrote

This is such a great thing to do, he is probably gonna go off telling his family about this


MrDrLtSir t1_j9tuavh wrote

We need more of these TIFU stories on here. Well done OP. You're a great person!


iwalktowork t1_j9tukhe wrote

Who's cutting onions in here?


yash2651995 t1_j9tuwwf wrote

That guy will eventually help someone one day in some form. The torch of kindness will be passed on


ErectricCars2 t1_j9tvc9v wrote

I did this once too except I was high as hell when ordered the pizza and just forgot I already paid for it.


ilhares t1_j9tvif1 wrote

As a former delivery monkey, who can assure you that our "make or break" was almost solely decided by tips, I applaud you for having been so good to the guy, even if it was by mistake. Female drivers tend to get better tips (in cash) far more often, and many customers stiff the drivers entirely, since they paid online. You did a good thing.


farteagle t1_j9tw6yx wrote

Charge it to the game. That positivity will come back around on you in due time.


whyunoletmepost t1_j9twshp wrote

We need more moments like this in the world.


yanbag609 t1_j9twuc9 wrote

this will come back to you 10 fold when you give without recompense


johnnys_sack t1_j9txc2z wrote

Good on you OP.

One time in college, it was very late and I wanted pizza. I placed my order by phone and told them if the driver could get it to me in under 20 minutes (it was close) that I would tip $20.

He arrived in 22 minutes and I almost rescinded my offer. I could see he had hurried, though, and gave him the $20. He was super grateful.


ShambolicPaul t1_j9txmxz wrote

I'm so cynical about this sub Reddit now I came in here expecting to read about some bloke accidentally getting an eyeful of your boobs. Imagine my shock that it's a wholesome story of somebody spreading some joy in this shitty world.


aDistractedDisaster t1_j9u0y6y wrote

Did you ever hear about that Harvard experiment where they gave money to random college students?

They told half the people to spend that money on themselves and the other half to spend it on somebody else. Here's a quote from an article talking about the study - “We found that people who spent the money on themselves that day weren’t happier that evening,” said Norton, “but people who spent it on others were. The amount of money, $5 or $20, didn’t matter at all. It was only how people spent it that made them happier.”

Humans are truly social creatures and I'm glad you got to experience the joy that it is to help a member of your community in their time of need. It can be quite fulfilling.


Cheap_Woodpecker t1_j9u1887 wrote

Good for you. It’s these small things that make other people’s days better that makes the world a better place bit by bit.


StarCounterStayer t1_j9ujwzt wrote

Not a TIFU, you’re an amazing person, we need more people like you in this world!


Secret_Bees t1_j9tx5ra wrote

>I wasn't rich

I'm assuming the tides have changed then


Saxamaphooone t1_j9tye4t wrote

Thanks for being a stand up human, OP!


Sad_Movie_190 t1_j9tyilg wrote

Thank you for not asking for it back! I used to be a counter girl and I’ll never forget the delivery driver stories. My favorite was this regular who was TERRIBLE to the drivers and never tipped. Except for ONCE, she said “keep the f*cking change” like it was a big deal, I believe it was around $0.70…


tobydiah t1_j9tzc3g wrote

As a well respected artist once said, you had a "happy accident".


flamingoeater t1_j9tze5l wrote

You're a good person. I would have done the same thing.


Inland_Emperor t1_j9u0fjp wrote

This is the most wholesome TIFU I’ve ever read.


[deleted] OP t1_j9tva2j wrote

