Submitted by cadigan90 t3_118jwgm in tifu

Ok, so obviously this is relative to the reader as to if this is a true fuck up or not. But to me and a few friends, this was one.

This was last night, but before that, you need to understand. I was dating then married to my best friend for over a decade and had three amazing kids. Went through a boring divorce as things happen and people change and we agreed that we would be better as parents than married.

Fast forward to valentines and I was gifted a ticket to this one night event where anyone who was single would go and grab a a dog park. I'm hesitant to go, social gatherings aren't always my strength and I'm nervous because my dog isn't always aware of his size (over 110lbs). So this had me on edge.

The event starts at 6pm and I'm there on time and see a lot of people. I commit to going inside and going strait to the bar. I ordered a coffee, after all I drove there and was nervous to begin with. Not even an hour in and I have talked with a few people, but I have played with almost every dog there. Not the best look if you are trying to meet people. A very friendly and eager young lady approaches me and throws me off with her advances....and I mean advances. I break eye contact with my dog and use finding him as an excuse to run.

I finally find him flirting and playing with everyone in line at the bar. So I sit there and laugh and watch him interact, you know, proud dad moment. Then she walks by. Immediately caught my attention and had to do my best not to stare. Thankfully she helped with this as she almost tripped and spilled some of her drink almost on my shoes. We make an awkward but funny exchange and she went to join her friend she came with. Me being an idiot...I did nothing about this.

I spent the next the next 15 minutes just watching and seeing what dog she interacted with. You know, scope things out....not creepy right? I promise I'm not Joe from "You."

She played with no dog...aside from a pet here and there. So I said screw it and did a lap around the perimeter to make my move. As I get close, a group of guys walk up and start talking to her and her friend. ABORT MISSION

I do another lap and notice she doesn't seem that interested. So I encourage my dog to run in that direction and walked by. She saw it from a mile away and we smiled at a distance. I walked up and made a joke about her spilling anymore drinks. To which she confirms she had. We laughed.

At this point, she is facing away from her friend and that group and we are talking. She is definitely buzzed and it's actually calming me down. We talked and exchanged low level information; name, area of town we live in, where we're from. Little things. We talked for a good thirty minutes when her friend said she is going to the bathroom and then they are leaving.

I hear this, and you would think I would ask for her number. Nope. I ask what she does for fun and find out about an arts market that I go to regularly. Cool. Friend is back and they are starting to leave.

I say, "it was really nice talking to you. I enjoyed it." My brain was saying, "get her number" and "she isn't into you."

She replies, "yea, it was great talking to you." and waited for new less than ten seconds before saying "maybe I'll see you around."

I follow that brilliant moment up with, " I would love that." And smiled as she turned and walked away.

No less than 30 seconds go by before I look down and out loud say to my dog "what the fuck just happened?" I left about thirty minutes later and have spent the better part of the day today making my friend laugh every time we talk about it.

So yea...if you're reading bad. But you probably aren't, to which, I hope you have all enjoyed my awkward ass.


TL;DR Missed some signs and didn't ask for her number. Lessons learned.



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KittikatB t1_j9hi9wk wrote

Looks like you'll be spending lots of time at that arts market you both like.


cadigan90 OP t1_j9hiz7s wrote

That’s what my friend said. I just don’t want to come off as a creep to just walk up and say hi.


rush-2049 t1_j9hm6ni wrote

Next time you go up and say “hey! Glad I saw you again, I walked away last time and realized I hadn’t asked for your number. Want to go for a walk and get to know each other better?”

And then make sure to get her number :)


cadigan90 OP t1_j9hoif1 wrote

Where the fuck are you? I have an opening for a wingman. My friends best advice is to walk up and immediately shove my foot in my mouth.


rush-2049 t1_j9hqmjn wrote

Hahaha San Francisco mate. Years of practice and failing to get to where I am today.

Just remember- keep it simple- state your feelings and call out obvious awkward things to help you move past them.

Your friend means well and is probably just trying to help joke it off? But yeah absolutely terrible advice.

And if she says no or doesn’t go on a walk- that’s ok too, just congratulate yourself on putting yourself out there.


killotype t1_j9hi74x wrote

Not really a fuck up my guy just a hiccup getting back into the swing of things.


zeusmom1031 t1_j9hjlux wrote

No less than 30 seconds go by before I look down and out loud say to my dog "what the fuck just happened?"

I thought just the same: what the fuck did I just read

klowder42 t1_j9iq0od wrote

you are so money and don't even know it.

another woman will be by shortly