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Poody81 t1_j94etsh wrote

Dude, hope someone else picked it up, who really needs it.

If it makes you feel any better, I forget stuff all the time. Once on holiday in the Florida Keys (from the UK but living in Kuwait at the time), I drove 10km from beach to hotel with the boot (trunk for the Yanks on here) wide open. Got all the way there without realizing and the only thing that fell out of the back was the rucksack, with the passports in them šŸ«£. Needless to say, I rushed back to the spot, where some local fellow took great delight in filming the handing of the rucksack that heā€™s held onto for half an hourā€¦Iā€™m probably on YouTube somewhere, under ā€œdumbass Brit drives off with trunk openā€ šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚