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rainystast t1_j9h6k2t wrote

I feel like your overall message is fine, but this idea that people just "grow out of being an atheist/agnostic" doesn't sit right with me. Many people are atheist or agnostic and stay that way forever, they won't necessarily "turn back" to religion once they get older.


Form84 t1_j9h93qb wrote

If that was the take away from my message, then I feel i have miscommunicated. Please do not assume that I meant that OP should reconsider leaving or joining a religion based off of age, as that was absolutely not my intention.

I will summarize, don't make rash decisions, because decisions made at 18 are rarely decisions that last with us our entire lives. It is a very transformative time in our lives, and the knowledge of this is rarely communicated to the people going through it.

I hope that clears that up!


TheTwilightMexican t1_j9h9z90 wrote

I think their point wasn't about religion specifically so much as that a fiery rejection of whatever one has grown up with is common in young adulthood, and often for reasons we don't understand, but that this emotion may cool in time such that a more reasoned look back throughout life reveals either overlooked things worth appreciating ... or more solid reasons to continue rejecting whatever.

Neither outcome is weird.


Form84 t1_j9hl4p3 wrote

Thank you for summarizing my point better than I could


FindingEmoe t1_j9kvqmm wrote

I mean a lot do it's common because it's more logical that God exists and we are part of it and the teen years are of rebelling and questioning. Sure there's plenty of people who stay athiest and the numbers are increasing but they're about to start dipping again and spirituality will be much more common now that the psychedelic revolution is happening and people are starting to wake up.