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nebulaorbit t1_j9izl20 wrote

Jehova's is a complicated religion. Part of it is that you have to try your best to teach others. Your mom has a quota of number of people she has to talk to each week, if she doesn't she will go to hell (or thats what she believes). It must be really tough to be a Jehovas Witness, I fell sorry for them. Thinking about it, I now also feel sorry for that certain kind of vegan we all know... Seems very similar.


YoggyYog t1_j9j1ajl wrote

I don’t actually know any vegans like the one you say 😅maybe one day, but I know a lot of vegans and they’re all cool.


nicapachi t1_j9ja97j wrote

Yup, it's truly a stereotype. Most vegans just want to live (and eat) in peace and know that missionizing people won't do anyone a favour. Weird thing to say.*

*Edit: was informed the comment made was aimed towards ThatVeganTeacher. Yup, that person is definitely not a good example.


Kutanu t1_j9jd208 wrote

Search up ThatVeganTeacher and you'll see what they're referring to. It wasn't a generalisation, it was a dig at her 👍


nicapachi t1_j9jjnsy wrote

Ooh, thanks for the clarification, that person totally slipped my mind. Ugh, she's a handful.


FindingEmoe t1_j9kttsz wrote

Yah toxic predatory terrible that sounds like a cult didn't know they were that bad they shouldn't be allowed to exist


nebulaorbit t1_j9kuf3f wrote

I am not saying I agree with JWs. On anything. Everyone has the right to believe what they want, and I have the right to pity them for worrying more about the afterlife than the current life.


FindingEmoe t1_j9kwl5d wrote

Being forced to proselytize on a weekly quota or your soul being condemned for all eternity is extremely fucked up to make someone beleive


ichibanalpha t1_j9laoeh wrote

literally none of that is true. some people act like this person's mother, and I myself have not always seen eye to eye with my mother when she, essentially, tries to guilt me into doing something, and we all have our personal gripes. What you said however is blatant lies. as far as OP, I wouldn't say not to feel bad about it, but don't let it get to you. I'm also not Muslim, but baring the unlikely cases, most parents, and im assuming yours as well from your description, want what is best for their kids. Obviously they think being Muslim is the best , but I think they feel more sad that, in their eyes, you're not getting "the best".