Submitted by PatientWillow4 t3_115e68u in tifu

TL;DR: my childlike personality coupled with eating a Happy Meal gave the impression I was still in school to a friend we caught up with.

23F here.

Unfortunately, my face does not show my age. Neither does my personality, which went from being overly mature for the first 18 years of my life and then doing a complete 180 to become very childlike and spontaneous.

We've come overseas to a country where we used to live. It's been almost 17 years since we've left, so as soon as we arrived, we met a lot of our old friends. As I was the first child in my parents' friendship group, everyone knows me as the little girl I once was.

Some friends got married after we left our old country. Today, we met a couple, and the wife is someone completely new to us. She has never seen me before but knows a little of me.

When the couple sat down with us, I was eating a Happy Meal and enjoying my last one because in my current country, we don't get vegetarian happy meals. I was also super excited to get a Tom and Jerry toy and I showed my parents in front of the wife that I got a Jerry toy. I was super happy. On top of that, I had recently bought a Tom and Jerry handbag from a theme park so my entire get up was screaming "I'm a child".

Because of this, I think I gave off the wrong impression that I was much younger than I was. The wife asked me if I was still in school.

I said, "I'm doing my PhD now, it's been a year so far".

She almost did a double take.

She was like "but you're eating a Happy Meal and were showing off the toy".

I'm like yup, I should have seen this coming. My mother and I were laughing and had to say that I'm actually 23, not a child and I apologised for the wrong first impression.

So that's my small TIFU moment, where I realised I really hadn't done myself any favours by tapping into my inner child after high school.



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MordunnDregath t1_j911r39 wrote

Not a f-up, there's nothing off about enjoying yourself, even if it means you come across as more childlike than you might otherwise behave.

Just last night, I was playing video games with my kids and yeah, I felt (and probably acted) like I did when I was 15. Joy comes in many forms for many people.


charlie175 t1_j91fmuf wrote

> my entire get up was screaming "I'm a child"

See r/nevergrewup. Trauma and/or autism are often factors.

> my personality, which went from being overly mature for the first 18 years of my life and then doing a complete 180 to become very childlike and spontaneous

Does anyone else feel like they were a adult as a kid and a kid as an adult?


Droidlivesmatter t1_j91mpca wrote

Not sure why you're downvoted.. That's a serious concern.

Nothing wrong with being childlike etc. But it's something to consider


prollyshmokin t1_j92p8kz wrote

Yeah, I came across the sub r/ageregression a while back and some of the posts there legit kinda freaked me out.

No hate towards anyone in that sub or anything (I fully support them having a community and being happy), I just worry for myself how I could slide into something possibly unhealthy in my search for peace and comfort (e.g. weed and shopping for me).

I say that as someone who actually only just got into comics at ~30.


oakteaphone t1_j92qtek wrote

Oh dear...that made me feel incredibly uncomfortable...


merc08 t1_j92yewu wrote

Is it "a serious concern" or "nothing wrong with it"?


chewytime t1_j93k9d4 wrote

Definitely fall into the old when young and young when older category. I was a latchkey kid so I had a lot of responsibilities growing up and was very independent. When I was in grad school tho, I hit this state of arrested development and started getting back into some childhood interests like comic books and toys. I think the stress of higher education caused me to escape into old comforts. Since I graduated several years ago, I’m finally sort of getting back to “adulting” again after several years of indulging in minimal responsibility bachelorhood.


iKillBugs4Work_AMA t1_j936uw2 wrote

There's a big difference between childlike and childish. Childish is just being a dickhead. Childlike is showing or experiencing the joy you felt as a child when you'd experience something for the first time. I used to judge both of those people. Now I only judge the childish people. Childlike is dope


Responsible_Sca t1_j96vqbu wrote

Was in Tokyo a few months ago and came across an exhibit area featuring Macross/Robotech toys.


iKillBugs4Work_AMA t1_j96x3mu wrote

That's so cool! I loved those little RC nitro cars as a kid. Always wanted one. Never got one. I got one a few years back for cheap. Played with it, enjoyed the hell out of it, then crashed it. Was fun while it lasted


Wiring-is-evil t1_j93kp6z wrote

I regress as soon as an Xbox or Playstation turns on lmao ESPECIALLY when I'm showing off the games that I played growing up

Someone sold me a raspberry pi4 a while back with retroarch and 16,000 or so games for Snes, N64, Dreamcast etc. That I grew up with.

Good Lord, I had to go outside and take a walk to stop myself from throwing a tantrum and fighting for the controller lol.


OoohItsAMystery t1_j912q3a wrote

28F here and my coworker and I sat at my desk playing with a happy meal toy, from a happy meal I bought myself, just last week. Nothing wrong here.


cstmoore t1_j91weki wrote

I (M-stack overflow) will sometimes just buy the toys. Captain Snuggles and Iron Man are staring across my desk at me right now.


luv2ctheworld t1_j928a3j wrote

M-stack overflow

Thank you for giving me a chuckle.

Was in Tokyo a few months ago and came across an exhibit area featuring Macross/Robotech "toys". My boys were kinda perplexed why I was speed walking/bee-lining to the entrance. When we got to the entrance, a collective "Whoa!" came out of our mouths.

I miss the days of Big Bang Theory when being geeky/nerdy and socially awkward is cool.


Hytyt t1_j9291qd wrote

The big bang theory was laughing at us, not with us. The god awful dnd episode with the ERP proved that


Yuugian t1_j92lv6u wrote

Community's DnD episode was bad enough. I can't imagine what big bang did to that poor TTRPG


MightyKrakyn t1_j93cwqv wrote

Best DND episode on a show that mocked us was IT Crowd’s.

“John 2, you’re a wood fairy.”


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j939mv4 wrote

Silicon Valley was the good stuff. Made fun of us a bit, but at least the jokes were researched. I've been gay for people's code.


luv2ctheworld t1_j92zyst wrote

You're free to think that.

Having the main characters earn a Noble prize, be an astronaut, find love, and overcome their insecurities doesn't appear to be a mockery to me or many others.

Not being able to find humor in the eccentricities makes for thin skin and everything being a threat or offense.


xscumfucx t1_j913hxn wrote

I think this is more a TIFU on her part than your’s. I know I’d be a bit embarrassed if I assumed someone’s age so incorrectly based on their enjoyment of a Happy Meal (which I am now REALLY craving but have no way of acquiring) + making my assumption known to them.


InfiniteCalendar1 t1_j91aomk wrote

That’s true especially telling a grown adult you think they’re a child or significantly younger than they actually are can be insulting in some contexts especially if implying something about maturity. I remember when I worked in retail a customer said I look 12 when I was 20 at the time and a friend of mine said that’s insulting.


xscumfucx t1_j91gboj wrote

I don’t get offended by it unless I know what they really mean is “immature” or “stupid” etc.. I’m kinda short + apparently some of the things I wear make me look “immature” or “childish” (possibly because I sometimes shop in the kids’ section of the store...). I was accused of being 12 once too! My bf + I were ordering drinks at the bar + when I ordered the bartender said “aren’t you, like, 12?”. I was at least 22... I’ve also been mistaken for my bf’s daughter on a couple occasions. Idc how old anyone thinks I am unless I’m trying to purchase alcohol + am denied because I don’t have my id on me for whatever reason.


InfiniteCalendar1 t1_j91ijaj wrote

I don’t get offended either although I had some questions about being perceived as 12 as I usually get mistaken as being between 16-19, but I guess my friend just saw it as an insult. When I was in retail my age got questioned the most because I was working with teens and they were surprised to learn I’m in college.


last_rights t1_j93228b wrote

I was 28 working retail on a morning shift when a customer asked why I wasn't in school. I told him I graduated. Then he asked why I didn't go to college. I told him I graduated that as well.

He just said "oh", and walked away.


PatientWillow4 OP t1_j91hnhm wrote

In my background, we're always told to act our age. Being as out there as I've been out there in the recent years would definitely raise some eyebrows and label me "immature" by some people. Also because this was a first impression, I was afraid that I had made the wrong impression, hence the TIFU


BowzersMom t1_j91o5qf wrote

How important are the opinions of people who would judge you for harmlessly being yourself? Sometimes they matter—an important work client, someone in a position to get you a good job or contract or spot in a program. But this lady? Other people who knew you when you were little but not who you are as an adult? Their prejudices and unkind opinions are none of your business. Keep being you!!


PatientWillow4 OP t1_j91xpfq wrote

This is exactly how my thinking changed after I graduated high school. I was the typical nerd, always studying and being very harsh on myself. I was afraid of what people thought of me all the time.

Since around 2 years ago, I just thought, fuck it, I'm done. Ofcourse if I'm in a serious situation I act accordingly, but otherwise, I'll continue being a weirdo.


mode_12 t1_j92b6hn wrote

It’ll get better. I always looked younger than I was and also had a playful personality, and occasionally would hear things about act your age blah blah, or even worse, I don’t want to say someone who looks like my younger brother. Well, now im 39 and people suddenly love the energy, and compliment me on taking care of myself all these years. Funny shift in thinking that propped me up out of nowhere, so look forward to that


Catmompspsps t1_j91kcq7 wrote

I'm almost 50 and keep toys at my work desk. Keep being yourself and have fun in life.


luke111mart t1_j92z12m wrote

Fuck that, eat your happy meal and be happy and adorable, and don't let anyone tell you shit!

Also, as a fellow vegetarian, what country where you in that you can get a vegetarian happy meal??


RandomRedditor44 t1_j92g8b9 wrote

I wish Happy Meals (and other kids meals at restaurants) were also for adults

Either that or restaurants should offer small portions for when you don’t want to eat a giant bowl of pasta for dinner.


PatientWillow4 OP t1_j92jmqq wrote

100% agreed! I've started opting for kids meals because I can get a drink and food and maybe some icecream, all of which satisfy my hunger without making me feel like I'm about to explode.


OkVolume1 t1_j91exy0 wrote

The real FU is eating anything from McDonald's.


PatientWillow4 OP t1_j91huws wrote

True! BUT this was my first takeout from McDonald's in years simply because I could finally eat something vegetarian from them. Once I fly back home, I'll never have it again


Githyerazi t1_j92lcd1 wrote

When I was visiting India, I loved McDonald's meals there. So many vegetarian options and they have separate kitchens to keep meat/veg food separate.


Harvey_Rabbit330 t1_j938j2b wrote

Never grow up. Eat Happy Meals, raw cookie dough, stay up late, don't make the bed, look at everything with wonder, be free...


m4yn3_h4sl-l t1_j91zrtv wrote

don't feel bad because your friends are already dead inside


MANLYTRAP t1_j91nubo wrote

how the heck are you doing a PhD when you're 23? did you go to college when you were 12?


PatientWillow4 OP t1_j91y1ta wrote

I graduated high school at 18, did a 3 year bachelor, 1 year honours year (which is a year of research), and then got into my PhD 6 months after my Honours. It's been very busy but I'm finally content with my career trajectory.


MANLYTRAP t1_j91z04g wrote

I never knew you could skip masters and go directly to PhD from bachelor, good luck and hope you end up in a better place


PatientWillow4 OP t1_j921d7f wrote

It's an alternate pathway in my country. If you do well in honours and your marks are competitive enough for a PhD scholarship, you can skip masters and start a PhD straight away.

Thank you so much for the well wishes! My best wishes for you too!


bananasplz t1_j92z2qo wrote

Pretty typical in Australia, although you need to do the honours year to get to a PhD.


bananasplz t1_j92ze0o wrote

Pretty typical in Australia. Usually 3y undergrad, 1y research honours then you can do a PhD. So most 1st year PhD students are around 22.


Kolbrandr7 t1_j933d0q wrote

I’m 23 and I’ll be starting a PhD later this year

Graduated high school at 17 (late birthday), 4 year bachelors, 2 year masters, and that puts me at 23 at the start of a PhD


scuba_scouse t1_j92qb0z wrote

37 m here, I was working away from home with a gang of lads that liked to drink heavy after work. I'd had my fair share of late nights with them and was particularly bored of ale at this point.

One night we go for the obligatory hickory smoke House meal and I thought fk it I'm having a salted caramel milkshake instead of a pint. I really enjoyed that milkshake but got some funny looks from the guys. Sometimes you just have a hankering for them things from your childhood. Nothing wrong in enjoying them again. Also balls to them that judge us for it.


dabenu t1_j92v5n0 wrote

"you don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing"

  • someone, idk

MeIsmash t1_j93epkr wrote

Nothing wrong with being a kid at heart. You can pry my legos and Pokémon out of my cold, dead hands


tnishantha t1_j94n0gt wrote

It totally sucks that society expects us to lose our childlike joy and positive behavior to enjoy life and try and discover new things.

Keep doing you! Don’t grow up and become a boring person! 😁


InfiniteCalendar1 t1_j91a9v6 wrote

I read this and I realized this could easily happen to me as I’m just a year younger than you and I don’t look like it either. I know someone else my age who sometimes gets happy meals because they’re cheaper. Plus it’s a way to heal your inner child which is totally valid.


mlstdrag0n t1_j926esp wrote

Dear, you have somehow held onto the excitement for life and everything that makes you happy usually only children have.

I envy your ability to be excited and happy over the small joys in life. It's something I've lost and am trying hard to find again in my life.

It is not a TIFU moment; please don't ever take it for granted and don't ever lose the spark for life you have!

You are living life the right way and I am happy for you!


RustySnail420 t1_j92koxk wrote

No fuckup - don't let your inner kid die, like excitement and enjoyment of little things. Don't let people dictate what you must enjoy, just because they decided that they was "too old" for something and restricting their happiness themselves or with the help of other "grown-ups". Like a prion or virus it will grow and copy the lockdown of wonder and we must stand up for ourselves and the right to live the life we love! Go on and be a PhD that doesn't hate your life at 40, you have the bigger end of the stick!


Lordkjun t1_j92nify wrote

I ain't mad at you. My 20 yr old daughter and I each recently got happy meals because we both wanted the plush Stitch toy for our respective cars.


XxMarlucaxX t1_j92w4hu wrote

That’s not a fuck up. I’m 30 and still order happy meals and get excited about the toys lol rn they have something dumb so I’m waiting til they get something good again xD but there’s nothing wrong with it you shouldn’t have had to apologize.


Maiyku t1_j92xb6n wrote

Happy Meals are one of the free items you can get with points on the app, so I get them all the time. I’m 31.

Now, I usually just say no to the toy lol, but you do you! I know I won’t play with it, so it’s better given to someone else. If it brings you any kind of joy, keep doing it. Who cares what others think.


Godlyeyes t1_j92y30y wrote

she’s the odd one


Special_Compote_719 t1_j9342o0 wrote

I honestly don't know how old I am anymore, with the exception of the usual milestones. Life is for living, have fun


notbornhatched t1_j935qrz wrote

I didn’t know they made Tom and Jerry’s handbags. That sounds really cool. :)


Graffxxxxx t1_j936lb7 wrote

I have a (small) collection of My Little Pony figures and plushies and I’m nearly 30. I also still play with legos and there is nothing wrong with enjoying something, especially if it’s not doing any harm to anyone else. Keep being who you are and don’t let the haters get you down.


Trickycoolj t1_j9382xg wrote

When I was in high school I often got happy meals for lunch at the nearby McDonald’s because they were cheaper than the school cafeteria lunch ($1.99 vs 2.25). One week they had Hello Kitty toys and there were some fun pink sunglasses that took me a few tries but I finally got. I excitedly brought them to my next class after lunch and my literature teacher grabs them from my desk and says “omg these are so cute! Where did you get them?” happy meal! Her kids were much older than us teenagers so it had been a long time since she had dealt with happy meals and she was so excited I got the cute sunglasses lol!


DungaRD t1_j93anwv wrote

Living in developed country allow us to stay childlike longer than in country where people needs to grow up quickly go get married have children and a respectful job. Don’t try to force yourself but it doesn’t hurt tune down you excitement about things that people in that country thinks it is for children’s only.


jesus_in_a_skirt t1_j93bdxp wrote

I’m 20 and also did a complete 180 when I turned 18 and am living for my inner child, i love happy meals! they’re a perfect portion for when im at work and the toys always end up on my desk displayed. nothing wrong with that at all! too many people are scared to act on “childish” interests once they’re adults, it’s honestly pretty refreshing to see people who are okay with enjoying hobbies at any age


DoctorRiddlez t1_j93osp5 wrote

Nah the happy meal has less calories then mcdonalds food


rubybloom87 t1_j93ug19 wrote

God that's wonderful. I do believe I will be indulging that same enthusiasm and get a Happy Meal next time I'm craving fast food. 😂


Sum-Duud t1_j93vn7x wrote

No fu, be you and be proud of being you.


kevinsomnia t1_j94ygvq wrote

The fact that you're unapologetically being yourself is not a fuck up in the slightest. Keep being you, and keep being the most genuine version of yourself you can!


kyrincognito t1_j950p7k wrote

What a wholesome way to accidentally call out someone on their false assumptions. You did the exact opposite of fucking up, you did this woman a favor she will remember the rest of her life, magically sans of any ill feelings. You are doing great. Please keep being you ♡


ElVerdolo t1_j95kbxk wrote

C'mon, you aren't hurting anyone by being how you are! Just enjoy your life the way you want


Mr_hopelesss t1_j95ooma wrote

I wonder if a cop ever pulled you over while driving to realize that you're actually an adult 🤣


E-macularius t1_j95z3kg wrote

A vegetarian Happy Meal? Sign me up!


Golden_girl18 t1_j960jcd wrote

Don't feel too bad. I'm almost 25f and still eat happy meals. 🤷🏽‍♀️ It's a joke in our friend group now but idc. I can get a 4pc mcmugget happy meal and a plain hamburger and get filled up for almost 6 bucks. I'm like you, myfsce, size, nor personality hardly shows my age and when I was on my honeymoon last year, I had the cashier lady at the giftshop ask me if I was on hs spring break. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I was like no but I'm on my honeymoon. She got a little embarrassed I think.


badassbiotch t1_j9674tj wrote

I always get a Happy Meal when I go to McD’s! It fills me up and I get a toy which I also get excited about lol


Rakinonna t1_j96er6x wrote

no FU ...just for reference I'm 65 next month, and still love a Happy Meal. especially if they have a Disney Themed toy!!! ( they make very nice Christmas tree decorations) Stay young as long as you can your body may age but your mind and sense of being doesn't have too


ThatsXCOM t1_j96hc1i wrote

To be brutally honest which Reddit will I'm sure discourage with all of the downvotes you should not be getting excited about getting a Happy Meal toy at 23.

Can you? Yes. Should you? No. And yes, if you choose to do that you are going to be judged for it.

Why would you be judged for living the way you choose to you might be asking? Because there's a societal expectation that as you grow up that your interests change with age. I don't make those rules, I'm just pointing them out, they have existed since the dawn of mankind and not liking them does not change them.

This is the same reason why you would probably be bothered if you met a 25 year old guy who you were interested in and found out that he watches My Little Pony, Dora the Explorer and other cartoons in his spare time.


Whane17 t1_j9abyub wrote

Screw that! Enjoy yourself every moment you can, not every moment in life is joyful and you should be greedy when you can. Fact is life can be a PITA and nobody around you who matters is EVER going to take anything but joy from your joy. If somebody doesn't like it they shouldn't be there.

Live, love, laugh, you'll live longer and be a heck of a lot happier then us old grumps. My SO identifies as a "little" she is the brightest point in my life and making her so happy she squees is my biggest joy in that life. Don't ever let anybody take your squees.


EmpressLevalion t1_j9bed5o wrote

Not a fuck up. Embrace what brings you joy as long as it doesn't harm others.


GIawen t1_j9fsyy6 wrote

Not a FU, I got mistaken for a 14-16 year old a few times while visiting Italy.. I was a 28 year old metalworker at the time lol

I took it as a compliment haha


Just_Cycle_4790 t1_j91wt0e wrote

Have to disagree with you. Adults are the main buyer's of happy meals. It's not usually minors or children ordering and paying for a happy meal.

There's many responsibilities and obligations that go along with being an adult, buying happy meals is 1 of them. Being childless isn't an excuse to shirk this responsibility.

You only get a pass on your lack of orders due to the limited availability of vegan happy meals.


cutiepiexyz t1_j92dgnv wrote

Haha I'm the same... I just turned 30, look quite young in the face and I'm petite. I was once on my way to work when the metro was super crowded with school kids. One older lady then asked me "why don't they get a school bus for you students?"


Mari25Cookie t1_j92euym wrote

I don't think you fu, you were just being yourself doing what makes you happy.

People also think I'm way younger than my actual age (for them, I look 14 but I'm 22). I think it's actually very funny to say "I'm getting my master's degree" while opening pokémon cards.

I think she wasn't polite by judging what you were doing though...


_k1000o_ t1_j9361iv wrote

This is wholesome. Get out


Amazing_Action9117 t1_j95glxl wrote

OP, you're so wholesome. Enjoy your Nostalgia and congrats on the PhD program. My eldest child's psychiatrist is 76 years old; he collects, in his office, SpongeBob SquarePants (small toys) of any size. I find it endearing and also disarming to walk into a room full of bright yellow toys during what can be a little intimidating during your first appointment. I live in the USA, but am glad to see McDonalds has vegetarian options for you! I haven't seen them here but also haven't looker either. No fuck up. 💖