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Parthenogenetic t1_j9va9tl wrote

Crayfish can travel quite a long ways out of water. We caught some in a river near our house, brought them home, and put them in a tank. About half of them escaped overnight. My mom found the one while she was getting ready for work the next morning when it crawled out from under her dresser--apparently mobile dust bunnies with claws are quite terrifying.

We found most of the rest of them, but one of them just disappeared. We think maybe our dog ate it?


Project-SBC t1_j9vbl16 wrote

I could imagine a dust covered crayfish would be something to see lol


Parthenogenetic t1_j9ve7p9 wrote

My mom REALLY doesn't like creepy-crawlies of any description, so it was extra traumatizing.


BloodSpades t1_j9watjc wrote

Family member had a hermit crab as a kid… It got out of its tank somehow and almost cleared the room, until they walked in to get something. Like two steps in, and before they could turn on the light (hanging switch in the center), their bare foot made contact with something cold, wet, soggy and hard as the poor crab was yeeted across the dark room, under a dresser. They SCREAMED bloody, freakin MURDER!!!

After the light was turned on and a brave soul with a broom stick managed to fling the poor thing out, they realized it was the crab, tangled in a mess of dirt, hair and lint. After a good rinse, the no longer abysmal dust bunny was returned to their tank and lived out the rest of its life with no problems. Still escaped a few more times though…