Submitted by nononoy t3_10zu87h in tifu

My boyfriend and I had some friends over last night and we made hamburgers with some French fries. We had a great time, but the night ended pretty late, so we left out the remaining fries on the sheet pan on the counter. This has happened before (as our cleaning up habits after guests aren’t great, I know), and in the morning we clean up, maybe snag a fry or two. Probably gross to some, but oh well.

Boyfriend wakes up this morning around 5am and goes fishing with a friend, more than likely does not step into the kitchen before leaving. I eventually wake up, get ready to clean up and start my day, but before I do that, I quickly snag a fry from the sheet pan. Old habits die hard, as they say.

Upon crunching on the fry, I noticed there was a soft, wet portion of it… and quickly after, the worst tangy feeling on my tongue.. I quickly spat it out in the trash and rinsed my mouth out before taking a look at the sheet pan…

Turns out, one of the cats (presumably the very picky one who has the standard that their litter box must be spotless for them to use it), decided to piss on the fries that were left out overnight. -__- I will never be the same, and I will never leave French fries out overnight again. Lesson learned.

TLDR: I accidentally ate a cat piss soaked french fry.



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SaltMarshGoblin t1_j856fec wrote

Oh, oof! My cat would have just eaten the French fry...


NovaHorizon t1_j859ish wrote

On the plus side, once the Toxoplasmosis has settled in your brain the smell of cat piss ain't that terrible anymore. I guess that translates to taste as well, so the next wet french fry probably won't be such a traumatic event.


Sea_Photograph_3998 t1_j86v50a wrote

I ate a fry from KFC, whose fries by the way I find quite delicious, however one in the bag (just the one) was bad. It was like... yknow when a potato is crunchy but not in the way its meant to be, like it's almost like it sounds or feels like snow when you walk in it or something. You know what I mean? It's consistency is wrong, it's like the potato isn't cooked properly. But I was so hungry and I eat reight fast when I'm mega hungry so I just kept eating it even though I knew it was bad, and it actually had a weird taste. It tasted almost... farmyard like. Like I could taste a nasty smell or something.. or like.. I dunno say you eat something mouldy I guess.

Anyway after I finished all my kfc and my mcflurry (yes I hit two separate drive thrus lol) I then had the after taste of that one bad fry. Damn shame man. Thankful for the lipton ice tea though, that helped the taste go away.


sxdkardashian t1_j86voi7 wrote

You couldn’t just put the fries in the fridge ?


Un7n0wn t1_j86y017 wrote

It's a common parasite carried by cats. It infects mice, then causes the mice to be attracted to the smell of cat pee. The mice loose their fear of cats and actively seek them out. Cats, naturally, don't pass up a free meal and eat the infected mice, getting infected themselves in the process. The good news is toxoplasmosis is only transmitted through cat feces and causes no harm to the cat or human that may be infected. It only makes rodents suicidaly attracted to cats and cat owners are less likely to be botherd by the smell of cat pee after being infected. There is a theory that the majority of cat owners are already infected and extreme cases combined with existing mental illnesses is what causes crazy cat ladies to be a thing.


NovaHorizon t1_j86zecy wrote

If I knew how I would probably win a Noble price in medicine. T. Gondii is one of those parasites that can influence their hosts behavior. One of its pit stops in its life cycle are rodents like rats and mice. Its end host are cats. Now any rodent is smart enough to fear and avoid an apex predator like cats. Fresh cat pee is like a big red flashing neon warning sign to them inducing fear. Somehow Toxoplasmosis can rewire a rodent’s brain to dampen or even eliminate fear of cats going so far as to seeking out cats. I’d like to imagine it just like our obsession with big cats in one of those touristy “petting zoos” making people ignore the fact that a tamed tiger can still maul you in a heart beat.

Scientists believe Toxoplasmosis can alter human brains as well. To what extent nobody knows. Maybe it explains the crazy cat lady trope. There are at least some studies that show that people infected with T.Gondii rate cate urine more pleasant and that they have worse memory at an older age.

And also this is Reddit and I was being facetious! ;P


lastwhangdoodle t1_j87jyl0 wrote

Do yourself a favor and look up bacteria collection on food that's left on the counter.


joos1986 t1_j87vyh7 wrote

> cat owners are less likely to be botherd by the smell of cat pee

This was all going kinda okay

but totally ended on nightmare fuel


wtf. I need to read up on this.


dommiichan t1_j88o1vm wrote

some studies indicate an uptick in schizophrenia and other mental disorders in people infected with t. gondii, but given that brain biopsies are the preferred diagnostic method, data is not easily gathered


[deleted] t1_j88pxbn wrote

Definitely get rid of that worthless cat


im_mildly_racist t1_j88sxoc wrote

Well, I'm sure the memories from the night with friends will last a lifetime, but let's hope the taste of cat urine fades away a bit quicker.


Ayowolf t1_j8obhko wrote

Nooo😭 that was so unexpected