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AllanfromWales1 t1_ja6z09s wrote

> I want someone who really loves me. Who opens up to me emotionally. Who wants to spend the rest of their life with me. I want someone I’m enamored with, that I want to marry.

Sorry to be harsh, but dream on. Relationships like that either don't happen at all, or the love element doesn't last, or is one-sided. You are far, far better off with:
> He marks off all the boxes, we have great communication, great sex, a great home life but a lot of times it feels like we’re just friends.

I speak as someone who's been in a relationship with my partner for the past 43 years, married for 36 of them, kids, grandkids. I love them, always have done, but in a practical way, not is a dreamy heads in the clouds way. Those people I know who had that kind of love, almost without exception ended up hurt. And in the exceptional cases, it developed into something more 'real'. And FWIW I, the man, pushed for the marriage after we'd had our daughter..


ZeroRozuMagika t1_ja7wriz wrote

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I believe in fairytale romances over a healthy decent relationship. But I do want to get married one day.