Submitted by GIDAMIEN t3_11a02xn in tifu

So I am at a small conference and made, a little presentation.

this happened about an hour ago.

all went well, it was dull as expected, I returned to my seat at the back when done and disconnected my laptop from the smartscreen.

next presenter was not a subject I had much interest in so, I popped my ear buds in, connected to my laptop, and set about doing some surfing and put some music on.

let's just say this group was mostly industry professionals and were intently concentrating on the subject being shown.

I felt my ear bud started to cutting out a little in my right ear and out of instinct reached up to fiddle with it, and either the battery died totally or I disconnected it. either way

suddenly at top volume in a quiet conference room out screams, Rage against the machine, Killing in the name of.

"F**k you I won't do what you tell me!"

all eyes on me, I died inside a little.

nobody, and I mean NOBODY laughed. I'm in my car now and debating if I am going to go back in at this point.

TL;DR , blasted RATM to a group of people during a conference. whoops



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Tiefschlag t1_j9oyijc wrote

No use in hiding or cowering - own it. Walk back in there with your head held high. Everybody fucked up in his life at some point.


NDALLASFORTY t1_j9p2f7v wrote

You probably wouldn't be missed if you didn't go back in.


NoraMosley1 t1_j9qaz9x wrote

Sound like something that would happen to me with the same song. 😂


iainvention t1_j9r00sq wrote

Make it your thing. Next meeting blast Bulls On Parade. After that, Down Rodeo. Just keep it going.


BachmanityErlich t1_j9t37kf wrote

This happened to me in a crowded library in an old school way, after finishing typing a paper I unplugged my headphones but my Winamp was still playing, and it was akinyele “put it in your mouth.” Lot of stares, and surprisingly no one replied to me which they would choose to lick. 😀Feel ya OP!


Ionlyplay_a_DR_on_tv t1_j9t54bg wrote

If I was your boss I woulda started singing along to it...maybe start an impromptu karaoke's good I'm not your boss......


ArgyllAtheist t1_j9ueq0p wrote

honestly... the fuck up is not knowing how ear buds work. the fuck up is not showing the same respect to other presenters that you would like to have extended to yourself.


GIDAMIEN OP t1_j9ujvy7 wrote

Honestly 3/4 of the people in the room I'm sure had no interest in my topic either and I would not have been offended if they were just simply there waiting for the next presenter. This was a mixed conference with several speakers on several topics not all of which were relevant to all participants.