Submitted by rand0m_d00d123 t3_116ivb2 in tifu

This happened a few weeks ago, but I'm only facing the consequences now.

So a few weeks ago, I was working late at night with another colleague who's a bit more senior than me, when he suddenly asked me "hey, in this office who do you want to fuck?" I refused to answer him cuz like what the fuck?? I don't want to answer a question like this, especially not in the workplace.

Anyway, he kept on asking and eventually I said (literally just to get him to shut up) "well, if you're talking about who I find attractive, I find xxx attractive" and the dude laughed and said pretty loudly "so you wanna fuck xxx huh". I was like fuck no, I never said that so don't be putting words in my mouth.

He kept laughing about it so eventually I just left cuz I felt pretty uncomfortable about the entire thing and didn't want others to hear our convo. I eventually forgot about it, but last Friday we went for drinks with other colleagues (with both my senior and xxx), and after a few drinks, my senior very loudly says to xxx "hey, he told me he wants to fuck you the other day", and the entire table heard.

I was low-key in shock and started defending myself and explaining what happened, but it was too late, my words sounded like lame excuses even to my own ears. I also didn't want to call my senior out cuz he's pretty much the person who directly supervises me.

So anyway I left the drinks early, and tomorrow I will have to go back to the office and face everyone who probably thinks I am a massive creep. Will probs report this to HR but I really don't want to be on my terms with my senior...

Tldr my senior asked me who I wanted to fuck in the office so I told him who I find attractive. now the entire company thinks I am a creep.



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Zeric79 t1_j96ptwm wrote

Your senior is a massive bully. You should report him to HR first thing Monday morning.


tehPeteos t1_j972vqa wrote

Not just a bully; you could argue that this is sexual harassment.

The senior deserves to be called out and lose his job, which I hope the OP follows through on. I've worked in toxic offices like that, with people who turned up too late to even scrape the bottom of the morality barrel. Never again.

I wonder how many other people there have stories of him being a vulgar bawbag, and how much HR / his boss knows.

OP should be looking for new employment regardless; if there's one of those chucklefucks in a senior role, it's safe to say it's management-endorsed and that the company is probably rotten from the top down.


TheOldMancunian t1_j96xhtp wrote

I would report this to HR. You have been bullied, had words you did not say attributed to you, and you have been put in to an intollerable position.


FunChampionship6 t1_j97xv8l wrote

My guy your supervisor is a fucking idiot. Hope things are well for you whatever you choose to do.


psychowhiz t1_j96pdnb wrote

meh. if they ask, say what really happened and put it out of your mind. don’t encourage his version of reality by worrying about things you don’t know will happen for sure