Submitted by mmmews t3_118r8qi in tifu

Couldn’t handle the stress of school & lockdown and vyvanse (ADD) made me totally emotionally numb. I was claustrophobic & lonely going between our 2 small apartments (his in a nice high rise), it was difficult to bring my cat & all our stuff back and forth. A few times I asked him if he would be open to moving to a ground level or somewhere with roommates/a pod, but not sure he understood I was serious. I probably didn’t communicate as well as needed. So I opted to stay with friends & mom in ground level places with more space/privacy/freedom to come and go easily with my cat and work really hard in school (nontrad) to save my sanity. I think I was also a bit depressed as well. We didn’t really break up, just talked less and less. Heard from a friend that he was heartbroken.

We are in our 30s for context. I tried to catch back up with him after his rebound (Jan 2022) but he was with someone else right after that so fast we never got a chance to talk about it (April 2022). He finally moved and told a friend he was ready to settle down with someone who checks certain boxes & the new girl does check most of the boxes, but they don’t seem that happy. I’ve never really been interested in anyone other than him & he was always good to me. Realized I made a huge mistake after coming off vyvanse a couple months ago & been a wreck lately.

TL;DR Didn't realize my ADD meds were numbing me out and let the guy I loved go.



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[deleted] t1_j9ishtg wrote



mmmews OP t1_j9ity88 wrote

Not at all. Sometimes & my bestie does frequently.


pwrwisdomcourage t1_j9iuu1i wrote

Totally understand. I had a similar experience of emotional numbing during my highschool and early college years with Concerta. It's really jarring coming off of it and feeling feelings.

Here if you want to talk


Vulpesh t1_j9jtq0g wrote

I guess you can still confess your feelings to him. After that, it's up to him how he chooses, and you have to accept either way.


Fit_Relation_3526 t1_j9jmio2 wrote

Vyvanse has the worst numbing effect I undiagnosed myself I'd rather be chaotic than numb it has its own qualms but i feel alive at least


Tattered_Ghost t1_j9pltdg wrote

Aw geez, this is awful.

Any chance you could contact him and explain what happened with you being numb from your Vyvanse?


AwanGuling t1_jab7lw8 wrote

Agree. Maybe it wont bring him back but at least you'll get to tell your story and he'll get the explanation he deserved.