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Tuppytuppy t1_j9bqhg9 wrote

hahahahaha you need to give up on that one

either you're so insecure you dont deserve to be with someone

or shes such a whore she dumped you for finding out

either way

its over move on.


kalysti t1_j9br5pt wrote

How old are you? You sound like a teenager. What you can do is accept that you have been needy, selfish, controlling and self-centered. That's where jealousy comes from. You need to accept her decision to take a break with a good attitude, and try to grow up a little. When you see her again, do not dump all your notes on her. You hurt her. So now you focus on her and put her feelings first. You don't pester her. You make a single sincere apology, and then let things be about her.


ZAFJB t1_j9bt3fx wrote

Sounds like she is lucky to be rid of you. Grow up.


Rogukast1177 t1_j9bvomu wrote

TL:DR stands for "too long didn't read". It goes at the end of a story with a summarization of the full body of the story.


MaccGawd t1_j9c0guo wrote

How did you try to post this 4 separate times because you kept fucking up the post requirements, and then still fuck up the final attempt up by not using TL;DR for what it's meant for? SMH


commandrix t1_j9c1mrn wrote

You should accept that "taking a break" may mean that the relationship is on its way out. Don't pester her; just try to come up with a sincere apology and let her make the call on whether the relationship continues. I'd say if you learn one thing from this, it's that you can't build a healthy relationship by being the stereotypical jealous boyfriend.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j9ciwp6 wrote

> my friend told me she went t the boys room

Who is this “friend” actually? Sounds like they wanted to break you up


Teerw3nn t1_j9co97c wrote

You could grow up, let go of her, do some self reflection and self improvement. And find someone else when you are emotionally stable?


Gods-Nutbucket t1_j9cppze wrote

Break up with her. She’s gonna break up with you (I only know this because that’s how it usually goes as teenagers when they’re on a “break”. If you’re an adult, attempt to work it out AFTER she’s had her space). This does NOT mean I’m siding with you. It’s just for the best OP. Stay single and work on yourself my friend. No woman deserves this. If you suspected something like this, you have trust issues. I learned that the hard way.

In addition, always keep your guard up. It’s a vice versa situation. We don’t know what the ACTUAL situation is like. We’re just Reddit.


ProbablyNotADuck t1_j9cqzrh wrote

I hope you are a teenager. If so, this is the part in your life where you learn to not be a controlling jerk in relationships. Respect your partner. Trust your partner. Encourage your partner to have meaningful friendships that are entirely separate from you.

Not only are you being a controlling boyfriend here, but you seem to be expressing jealousy because she's been able to have a good time without you while you've instead opted to just be bored without her.


SkyrimIsForTheNerds t1_j9d2agl wrote

I feel like I had a stroke whilst reading this.

Sounds like you need to grow up, and you have time to do that while you wait for that week to turn into forever.


weneedanewplague2012 t1_j9d91f9 wrote

So you say that there was a guy and other friends in the guys room. I'm assuming the friend that told you was a a girl in the girls room...? Why weren't you there? If she went alone to the guys room, might be best to stay away


kamidykam t1_j9dji98 wrote

Wtf did you text her to make her cry? Her getting tired of you tells me there’s more to the story and you might be possessive. Leave the poor girl alone.


Patapon646 t1_j9dmjfc wrote

Good for her. You didn’t fuck up today, this is 100% a fundamental problem you have. This issue goes deeper than today. Leave her alone, Break up with her, and do some serious self reflection. Then hopefully, you change for the better


nobervu t1_j9eeofb wrote

There is zero chance she doesn't break up with you when she gets back.

Use this as a learning moment. if you don't trust your significant other, don't be with them. Don't dictate what they can or can't do, if you have a strong difference of opinion on what's acceptable, move on.