Submitted by Kichigai t3_11dci79 in tifu

Today (actually yesterday) I fucked up by forgetting to buy cans of wet cat food.

I have two cats. One is clever, active, food motivated, and very vocal. The other is more relaxed, calm, and prone to cuddling later in the morning. Both are very routine oriented, as cats are wont to be. For them, in my small apartment, I maintain two dishes of dry food, two water sources (a fountain and a bowl), two litter boxes, and a dish of wet food that I set out around 7am every morning.

The food motivated one will attempt to wake me at increasingly early hours of the morning for breakfast if not given some kind of prompt that she feels is reliable. In the last couple years this became my morning alarm. I'd refuse to feed her before it went off. Otherwise she would (and has) attempted to wake me as early as 4am for food. She still harasses me, but within 30-15 minutes of when my alarm should go off, which is significantly more tolerable because she can be extremely persistent in her attempts to wake me. I've even attempted to train her with certain words about her being early, about me needing to use the bathroom first, and when she can stop yowling because I've finally finished mashing up her food because if I don't do that she won't eat it, but she'll howl away until I say so anyway because between the time I've opened the can and that exact moment I've forgotten she's hungry and I will allow her to starve to death if she doesn't immediately and forcefully remind me this second.

Yesterday I made the error of not buying wet food. I thought I had bought enough cans to take me through Wednesday, but it appears I'm remembering wrong, and now it is morning, and I have no food to feed her. She is currently making her displeasure known by harassing the other cat, by ripping bags out of my bag ‘o bags and shredding them, and complaining very vocally.

Since my work hours are reduced at the moment I had planned to take an early morning nap and then help my mother watch the gas molecule of a toddler known as my niece while my mother takes an early afternoon nap, but this plan is now in jeopardy.

I would march right out and get more food, but there's currently a freezing rain storm outside, and I don't feel it's safe to venture out until I hear at least one plow truck go by throwing anti-icing solution onto my side street, otherwise I think I'd be risking a game of automotive pinball.

TL;DR I forgot when I was going to run out of cat food, and right now one of my cats is being a major impatient asshole about it until I brave an ice storm to rectify the situation.



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Bubbagumpredditor t1_ja7tgmc wrote

Do you not have some tuna or chicken? Or fish?


Kichigai OP t1_ja7xjdq wrote

I've tried that. If it isn't a mushy pate neither cat wants it.


ACERVIDAE t1_ja7yayz wrote

Can you throw it in a blender or food processor if you have one?


Kichigai OP t1_ja873kj wrote

I hadn't considered that, but at this hour it's moot since I already went out and got some wet food.


Most_Goat t1_jab1x6k wrote

Next time, try soaking their dry food in water, maybe mush it around if you need to.


puffmaster5000 t1_ja86x8v wrote

Cats are so weird, both of my cats love their dry food and turn their nose up at anything fancy like wet food


Fenix_Volatilis t1_ja85y0w wrote

How dare you displease the rulers of the home? Lol


ComfortableCritical7 t1_ja8udt1 wrote

A very well told story 😂 Glad your feline rulers got their food eventually


wanking_to_got t1_ja9b58f wrote

No dry food left?


Kichigai OP t1_ja9t8c4 wrote

Pounds of it! I always make sure there's food in their bowls. But this is breakfast, when I go through the routine of cracking open a can for them. It's what happens in the morning, and if it doesn't happen then something is wrong. They don't even wolf all the wet food down at once. They graze on that through the day.


wanking_to_got t1_ja9tk5a wrote

I feed mine wet in the evening. He's already too crazy for his cat yoghurt in the morning.


AccordingStruggle417 t1_ja9po68 wrote

My cat also rips bags when displeased and wakes me up if food is not prompt! I’ll pray for you.


Pretzel911 t1_jaab6vr wrote

For whatever reason my cat is terrified of the crinkle noise plastic bags make. If he started destroying bags I know the end times are upon us and I really fucked up


sometimes-i-rhyme t1_ja8tlhh wrote

Do you have a neighbor with cats? I had to ask a neighbor for cat food once because I had chicken pox and couldn’t go to the store!


Kichigai OP t1_ja9nht2 wrote

I do, but she had already left for work.


meowmix79 t1_ja97ubr wrote

Lol, typical cat.


Kichigai OP t1_ja9nq7m wrote

Typical any animal that gets into a routine. My mom's dogs get on her case for dinner and their end-of-day dental treat.


Evening-Difficulty17 t1_jabbay6 wrote

My dog will glue herself to me better than a shadow after we eat dinner. She knows that after dinner, she gets a treat. So if I am busy with whatever it is before we have our evening tea/coffee outside(she gets her treat outside and some fresh air), I could be followed step for step for probably an hour. She has a laser focus on the prize and will not be distracted. I've not tested that theory because after about 10 minutes of constant shadowing and almost tripping over her, I'm feeling the pressure to give in.


angusboe t1_ja8clvc wrote

This is a really good ad for dogs


Kichigai OP t1_ja8kus9 wrote

I dunno, my mom's dogs get pretty demanding around dinner time too. Fur beasts just love their routines.


Galupi11 t1_ja9mfba wrote

Yeah, my husky starts harassing me for dinner the second we get in the door from her afternoon walk. It’s a daily occurrence that lasts HOURS.


Kichigai OP t1_ja9txbx wrote

Bork bork bork bork! They go out, they come back in, bork bork bork, then they get fed, and it's time to make human dinner.


popaulina t1_jaa4qt9 wrote

You mean the dogs that you have to get up early every day to take outside, horrible weather be damned?