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CreamPyre t1_j9u86xo wrote

You called him small, then told him about your exes giant dicks?

You’re the giant dick lmao


jefftatro1 t1_j9uaelq wrote

Right?! What a bitch. "Don't worry about it honey, I've been satisfied in the past"


savage-dragon t1_j9uas5k wrote

She didn't call him small, just 'slightly' below average.


BusyBoredom t1_j9ub29l wrote

Try calling a woman "slightly over weight" and see how that goes.


savage-dragon t1_j9ublz2 wrote

What you're saying is uncalled for comment on the body out of the blue. Not the same here in this situation. The OP's boyfriend was begging for an answer. The same would be if a woman wanted a comment on her weight level by asking her best friend or boyfriend or a doctor, speaking in a manner that implies her needs for an honest answer.


BusyBoredom t1_j9ue959 wrote

You sound like a man who has never had a significant other.


baithoven22 t1_j9uf2th wrote

Or hasn't had one long enough to the make this exact mistake. Fyi... the answer is always "you look great!" No matter what


BusyBoredom t1_j9ufva1 wrote

Yep, and if weight really is a serious problem, you can lead by example and try to bring her along to your workouts/hiking trips/whatever.


Successful_Ad_5340 t1_j9u8lsa wrote

he brought up their sizes... does that make it any less bad?


TexasMeatCrayon t1_j9u8wa4 wrote

No, he was fishing for reassurance and instead you doubled down.

If ever there was an actual fuckup, this is it.


BusyBoredom t1_j9u9811 wrote

This is the male equivalent of being called fat.

Even if a woman bluntly asks you to comment on her weight, is it appropriate to call her fat? No it is not. Same with this, it's just too hurtful. It's "bring a grown man to tears" level of hurtful.

You need to shower this man in love and affection for the foreseeable future. Make him feel fucking beautiful, and don't say another word about your exes.


DrBDDS t1_j9u9k9p wrote

But you can do something about being fat. Us short wanged dudes? No hope.


BusyBoredom t1_j9u9xn0 wrote

Yep, it's honestly much worse than being called fat. I just needed an example she could empathize with.


DrBDDS t1_j9uaa5s wrote

I'd equate it more with calling a woman flat chested. Even then, though, they can have surgery to enlarge them so... There literally is no comparison to telling a man he has a small dick.


BusyBoredom t1_j9uagff wrote

Yeah, it's easily a relationship-ending level insult.


DrBDDS t1_j9ual37 wrote

Yeah, I'd NEVER be able to perform with her again. I'd be obsessing with thoughts of how she's laughing at my dick, etc.


jaytee158 t1_j9ubn80 wrote

I don't think there's a lot of empathy going round with OP


dogenroll t1_j9ubpme wrote

Her: *makes joke about her small boobs.

Him: well, they’re only slightly below average, haha.

Her: wdym? Omg!!!! That’s true, your exes had bigger boobs!!! Do you still like me?

Him: of course I like you. I can’t fit my head in between your boobs but that just means i’m closer to your heart. Being below average is good. I enjoy you :) plus, in the past i could get a boob job, but i dont want that, i just want to be close to your heart :)


CreamPyre t1_j9u92qy wrote

A little, but I’m sure your response didn’t make him feel any better. In general with relationships it’s good to skirt more carefully around peoples insecurities. Hopefully you guys are good


savage-dragon t1_j9ub4j8 wrote

Tbh... if he brought up their sizes I think he should be ready to accept the consequences as he can't be the guy with the biggest cock in the world. For all the guys out there, if you pack a small cock, just own it and roll with it. It's the cards life has decided to deal you with. Play your damn game at that damn difficulty. Being mopey about it won't improve it anyhow and it won't suddenly make you the next Brad Pitt in the eyes of the womankind. It's a cock, it's small, medium, below average, so what?
