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fuckimtrash t1_j8gjogx wrote

It’s not racist. I’m nz Indian and I’d hang up if I got an outbound call from someone with an Indian accent. Was hell for my Indian workmates when we worked in govt and they had to make outbound calls to the public 😂😂


goosegirl86 t1_j8gsx5b wrote

One of my mates when I was working at a NZ bank requested to only be put on inbound calls not the outbound calls, because he just got hung up on at a much higher rate than the rest of our team did, simply because of his Indian accent. It was rough 😂 they missed out in the end tho cos he was one of our best bankers.


Mission_Ad_2224 t1_j8hdsjr wrote

I'm white Australian (but close enough country for this), and had a few Indian coworkers at a gov call centre and they had the same issue. We were mostly inbound anyway but their stats plummeted when processing because customers refused to give them a chance on outbound (85% of the time).

I hate that we're so racist. And I am putting that one down to racism, because we send a precall SMS and everything.


goosegirl86 t1_j8heclp wrote

Yeah same dealio. His outbound stats were atrocious. He would laugh and joke about it, but it had to suck a bit there.

We didn’t do pre-call txts at that point, but it was always relating to a product they already had with us, usually their home loan, but still. Our team would only do some ob calls if the ib queues were already quiet. (As it wasn’t our main role)

I think in 2 years I only had 2 customers do the ‘let me call you back on the bank number so I know it’s not a scam’ thing, and they were all apologetic when they got back to me. (Kiwi accent)

But he was getting hung up on 8/10 calls. So the TL switched him to inbounds only for those days cos it was affecting his stats and job rating.


Mission_Ad_2224 t1_j8hexrs wrote

That sucks, but I'm really glad team leaders listened to the issue and helped with a solution instead of fobbing him off


goosegirl86 t1_j8hi7du wrote

Oh yeah for sure. For inbound calls he was one of the top performers, so they knew what was up 😂