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SillyGayBoy t1_ja9umjf wrote

Time to make people earn your trust gradually over time. Start with simple things like hobbies and movies. If they ask private stuff say you need to know them longer before you answer that. If they ask again say to quit bugging you about it and you’ll share when you are ready.


CodeNameBama OP t1_ja9v8km wrote

thanks man, thanks for the advice, ill follow it


SillyGayBoy t1_ja9vf7g wrote

I have aspergers and being too trusting was my biggest flaw a long time. We should need more proof of things, and generally people are pretty trash with the rare good one.


CodeNameBama OP t1_ja9xaon wrote

i know man, i know.


SillyGayBoy t1_ja9xgak wrote

Yeah but don’t be like me. I paid a bogus utility bill a year and a half because I believed my boyfriend was giving my money to his dad. He made the whole thing up. Always get proof for important stuff.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_ja9wly5 wrote

>this kid is now in possesion of a sd card(a one with just the mother board) containing.... well, Rule 34.

>the kid is now in possession of my motherboard to a sd card containing rule 34

I'm fairly certain neither of these sentences makes sense.

Anyway, this kid is an asshat and there's a good chance everyone knows it. The principal certainly should know it.

As far as the school is concerned right now, this is bullying plain and simple. If everything you said about the problem conversation is true to the letter, you just have to explain two things to the principal. First, you were absent-mindedly answering 'yes' to every question because you wanted to be left alone but didn't have the heart to say so. Second, you were not aware of the fact that you were being recorded. Tomorrow, take a deep breath, do that, and take it from there.

Beyond that, start documenting everything now. Dates of the events, screenshots or other copies of any social media posts - anything this kid does at all with this information, you get the best record of it you can. Recording a conversation without your knowledge or consent is morally questionable at best and literally a minor criminal offense at worst depending on where you live. (Doing it on school property, at a bus stop, or at a school-organized function is almost certainly against school policy, and showing off porn and also claiming it to be yours definitelt are.) Assuming you did not, in fact, give this student that SD card, then if that claim is false it falls under slander/libel, and if it is true then the means by which this student obtained this information must have been simple theft, breaking-and-entering and burglary, or distribution and use of illegal software. It may also be defamation regardless. This probably won't go far, but don't mess around with stuff like this, do what you can to be ready now.


derpmcsterp t1_jaaomnt wrote

Wait. How does the lesbian with the butt fit into the story?

Also, did you give him porn? Is the memory card with porn on it from you or is it his own?


CodeNameBama OP t1_jaayx6t wrote

with the lesbian, i was "caught looking at her butt". as for the memory card, yea, it was mine.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_jaarktg wrote

You sound too young to be looking at porn with friends.


CodeNameBama OP t1_jaaz3xp wrote

i was not looking at it, forgot about it in my bag and decided to destroy it on the bus home when the kid snatched the board from my hands. im not that much of a degenerate to watch porn with friends, thats just too much


HerbertWigglesworth t1_ja9sw9f wrote

What is Rule 34?


gendr_bendr t1_ja9tjoj wrote

Rule 34: If it exists, there’s porn of it on the internet


HerbertWigglesworth t1_ja9txkj wrote

Never heard of that before, does it generally imply material that would be taboo or illegal?

Im trying to gauge why this person cares so much.

People have some weird interests, doesn’t mean it’s bad though.

I also have zero idea why I’m getting downvoted for asking a legitimate question


StranglesMcWhiskey t1_ja9w0ft wrote

To explain the downvoted, It's reddit, everyone downvoting is probably assuming you're trolling.

Also, if they're riding the school bus and talking to the principal, op is almost assuredly a minor and in highschool (or even younger.) Can you imagine being in HS and having your whole class know you've got cartoon porn on an SD card? You're never going to hear the end of that, kids are judgmental assholes.


HerbertWigglesworth t1_jabqgxo wrote

Until the person above explained it, I had never heard of Rule 34 before - first thing I did was check the rules of this sub.

Then didn’t really want to google it as it seemed controversial or otherwise implicating to the OP.

I understand the school experience, but from someone long past that - embarrassment at school subsides, my intention to pass on that hope to the OP, amongst my other points

Thanks anyway


CodeNameBama OP t1_ja9v6kg wrote

some of the things on there are taboo, but not illegal


HerbertWigglesworth t1_ja9vqe5 wrote

Thanks for responding.

Honestly, just wait and see what comes of this fiasco. No need to share any more information until you know what the next steps are going to be.

I would still defend your corner in respect of being recorded though and ensuring that information shared in presumed privacy is not used against you unfairly e.g. bullying.

We all do embarrassing things in our lives, those that happen in your youth generally become laughing matters later in life


gendr_bendr t1_ja9vniv wrote

I first heard the term probably sometime around 2006-2007. I would say rule 34 stuff is taboo in the sense that it is porn, but how taboo probably depends on exactly what the content is. For example, porn featuring Homer and Marge Simpson is probably seen as less taboo by the average person than let’s say Pokemon porn in which trainers are fucking Pokemon. I’m also guessing OP is young given that the story is about sharing things on the bus. I would guess that age would is related to the level of concerned OP is.

Addition: I looked it up, the term was coined in 2003.