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Sololololololol t1_j7vzbag wrote

Take note redditors, this is an actual example of gaslighting, it’s not just “when someone disagrees with you”.


moretodolater t1_j7wzgxt wrote

Right?! Instagram and tik tok too.


Sololololololol t1_j7xgys0 wrote

They use it to try to add extra weight but all they end up doing is making the word meaningless. Same thing happened to the word “literally” and now literally means figuratively.


InevitableGuidance19 t1_j7xave1 wrote

I've only ever seen gas lighting to mean trying to convince someone else of a false reality


WarlockTynsterbert t1_j7vm71v wrote

NTA He left out antifreeze, that wasn't an accident. So, he's getting what's coming to him.


[deleted] t1_j7wh1eb wrote



RobocopsRobocock t1_j7wk0bg wrote

I took screenshots of the original, here you are


1studlyman t1_j7xccm1 wrote

What prompts you to do this? haha


RobocopsRobocock t1_j7xeipp wrote

I saw he wrote this post and was trying to change the story for sympathy after reading the other. I grabbed the screenshots before he could delete the other post just to out him. OP is such an asshole I decided to make sure everyone saw it. My own pettyrevenge


drdickemdown11 t1_j7vr2zg wrote

Nope, why the fuck is someone else's cat around areas that he lives? The OP sounds like they're twisting the story. Anti-freeze dude is negligent but so is OP


concerned_mess t1_j7vu8gi wrote

It’s his own property. This is on OP for being a negligent pet owner.


coldbrew18 t1_j7w1l0i wrote

It’s cruel to force some cats to stay inside.


WraithHades t1_j7w4f8p wrote

If you can fence it in with a catio or a cat proofed fence then I'm all for letting the cats outside. Free roaming cats are devastating to the local environment and ecosystem. Plus they are likely to get run over or munched by a loose dog or coyote. I have my cats leash and harness trained which was a butt load of work but I can take them anywhere and not worry about them getting into trouble. It's more cruel to not give a fuck about what your cat is messing up outside the boundary of your walls.


IAmNotAScientistBut t1_j7wct2e wrote

It's cruel to let them outside. Humans feed cats, therefore cats do not actually need food to survive. However cats are little assholes, and they like to kill things

Domestic cats being supported by humans have wiped out billions of birds and mammals each year and are on track to continue to do so until they wipe out entire populations and eventually species.

In nature the cats would die off due to lack of food, but we feed them and keep their numbers artificially inflated.


JessVaping t1_j7whmvs wrote

Are you kidding me? Not about the destruction and murdering part. Domestic cats won't die out. They are one of the most successful per hunt mammals there is. They won't die out if people stop feeding them. They'll kill even more so they can also eat.


CrushedSodaCan_ t1_j7x2kx7 wrote

Letting your cat outside onto others property is illegal. Op could actually be fined or worse charged.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xd723 wrote

It's probably not illegal. This would really depend on where OP lives.


CrushedSodaCan_ t1_j82q3rv wrote

Any major city or suburb. Almost any. It's considered a uncontrolled non livestock animal. I've never lived somewhere that it's legal but ya, I'm sure is. It will always be a jerk move though.


[deleted] t1_j7w2fop wrote



northernCRICKET t1_j7wyyvg wrote

Not only kills but is an extremely painful and torturous death since crystals form inside of internal organs much like Gout but affecting vital organs


wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vmh3y wrote

Every other sub has called me the asshole and negligent.


AccentFiend t1_j7weyp1 wrote

That’s because you seem to have left out half your story here.

Cats are an invasive species, keep them inside or leash them outside. It’s safer for everyone that way and a lot less toxic all around.


skrena t1_j7wh03j wrote

People hate outdoor cats. Especially Reddit. But those people don’t understand that you can’t take an outdoor cat and suddenly make it an indoor cat. Especially older cats that lived their entire lives outdoors.

And I’m sure no one is mentioning that there’s no reason he should have been using ethylene glycol antifreeze.


ThornaBld t1_j7x8lb1 wrote

Dude every cat I’ve ever owned was a feral outdoor cat that I brought home and is now a happy indoor cat.


ProbablyMyJugs t1_j7yxhbv wrote

It doesn’t matter what he was using it for on his own property. Jesus.

If you make the decision to let your vulnerable pet outside, then when that pet dies because of getting hit by a car, or picked up by a neighborhood freak to do god knows what, or eats something toxic to them, then that is on the owner who decided to also willingly expose their pet to hazards like that.

OP killed Milo.


stebuu t1_j7vtbxg wrote

sometimes you can be the asshole but still in the right


agentofchaos69 t1_j7vsrj6 wrote

Fuck no! Fuck that dick head. Have a drink and a relaxing evening, your good!


RobocopsRobocock t1_j7vpymb wrote

Wow, you changed this story a lot from the version you told earlier where you were clearly the person who killed your cat

Edit: here is a link to OPs original post before they changed the story to be sympathetic original story


Original_Jilliman t1_j7wbq20 wrote

Thank you! I was sympathetic until I read the original.

OP, please go see a therapist for depression and ptsd. You have had a difficult life and are acting irrationally. Your neighbor didn’t kill your cat. This was an accident. To be brutally honest, you should have kept your cat inside if you knew you’d be away and there was a risk your neighbor would forget to dispose the antifreeze.

What you did was sick. Your neighbor likely felt bad enough as it was already. That cat was your responsibility. I’m sorry you lost your brother and your cat but you really messed your neighbor up and now he could become homeless. Tell your landlord. Figure something out. Your neighbor doesn’t deserve this.


Steel_Town t1_j7vuvww wrote

>original story

I don't see anywhere that OP claimed to be the one to kill the cat. WTF are you talking about?


Leesidge t1_j7wokdn wrote

They left the cat alone for 3 days while helping her husbands mum. Who looked after the cat during that time? Why wasn't the cat inside?


warriorofinternets t1_j7xi7o9 wrote

Cats can look after themselves!


CitrineLeaf t1_j7xjmei wrote

To an extent, maybe.

But they're living creatures dependent only on us to survive. We are our pets' entire worlds, and when you disappear like that - especially for three days - the cat is going to get into trouble.


BiscuitNIWASHI t1_j7xobzm wrote

Cats have the mental capacity of a five year old. They learn to do things from habit. Especially domesticated cats that never learn to take care of themselves


ProbablyMyJugs t1_j7yx12i wrote

Then how is it the neighbors fault that the cat died? OP being a shitty pet owner is what killed her cat.


RobocopsRobocock t1_j7vxbeq wrote

I didn’t say she claimed to kill her cat, I said she’s the one who killed her cat through negligence and neglect


cjeam t1_j7wr1bv wrote

Leaving antifreeze out is also negligent.

Purposefully psychologically torturing someone so much they have a breakdown is worse though.


QueenofLeftovers t1_j7x9boh wrote

They left the cat without food or water for 3 days while they travelled interstate. If the cat wasn't gonna die from drinking coolant (they already knew about and also the only hydration it had access to??), it wouldn't be a big reach to expect it'd die from some other neglect-based cause of death. OP revealed herself 💀


wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vr04o wrote

sorry didnt mean to throw out details that were important.


Fapple_ t1_j7wn3ff wrote

You know your neighbor left automotive liquids outside and yet you left your cat outside unattended for 3 days. Those are pretty important details.

Do yourself a favor and stop trying to post this all over the internet. You were neglectful towards your pet and it ended up dying, then you took it out on your neighbor and drive him to madness (literally). Everyone on Reddit now knows you’re evil now, so stop trying to get attention and sympathy and go do something productive with your time.


RobocopsRobocock t1_j7vrnbu wrote

Im sure you didn’t, as a favor to you save you the trouble of retyping it I linked to screenshots of your original story


wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vrxr2 wrote


I posted it in pro revenge - broke a rule no good.

Posted it in nuclear and getting a lot of hate

Posted it in AMIA - got taken down.

Tired of the automatic take downs and word sensitivity.


RobocopsRobocock t1_j7vsaku wrote

You deserve all the hate you get, stop telling half truths to get sympathy and upvotes. It’s just more shitty behavior.


wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vugs7 wrote

Cause I can edit it and make sure to include everything.


yelloworange01 t1_j7x06nu wrote

You left your cat unattended for days, outside, where you knew there was dangerous materials. Yes, your neighbour should have cleaned up after himself, but your responsibility is to your animal and you failed him. You need to take responsibility for your negligence, and DO NOT LET YOUR NEW CAT OUTSIDE


wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vsl14 wrote

What all did I leave out that is so important?


Original_Jilliman t1_j7wckga wrote

That your neighbor likely forgot and it wasn’t malicious, that you had to leave for several days yet still let your cat have access to the outdoors, and all the other details.

I can tell you’re grieving from multiple things here and you’re wounded. You have trauma and are acting irrationally. You are ruining your neighbor’s life. Please, PLEASE make this right if you still have time before he’s homeless and get therapy for yourself if you haven’t yet. I speak from experience. Please get help and don’t let your neighbor take the fall for this.


Steel_Town t1_j7vv3j6 wrote

Robocop thinks your old post said that you killed your own cat. Not sure where he/she got that from. It says nothing in your original post. gif


Opposite_Match5303 t1_j7w0umx wrote

OP let their cat out despite knowing full well that their neighbor had an auto repair business. They are 100% responsible for the cat entering the neighbors property and poisoning itself.


UnkhamunTutan t1_j7wfijc wrote

For 3 days. The cat probably didn't have anything else to drink.


ThornaBld t1_j7x7dlm wrote

You deserved it. I hope your neighbor finds this post and sues you for psychological damage and destroying his life because YOU were an irresponsible owner and got your cat killed. I’m sorry for your new one


BiscuitNIWASHI t1_j7xos96 wrote

once a person loses their mind, they are no longer human. Sanity and compassion is what makes up a humans psyche. Without that, the social creatures known as humans no longer exist.

You stole a man’s humanity because you killed your dead half brothers cat.

Lose your mind.


uninvitedfriend t1_j7wsy3e wrote

You killed your cat because you knew it was going to drink antifreeze that was left out and decided to leave it unsupervised in that situation. Please go rehome your new cat before your negligence ends up killing that one too.


OminOus_PancakeS t1_j7vuia1 wrote

Hmmm. I have mixed feelings about this one. I can see both sides of it and there's a horrible inevitability about it. Tragedy all round :(


Bitter_Jaguar_7914 t1_j81ds73 wrote

He didn't go out his way to kill her cat, she left the cat outside and alone for 3 days and the poor thing ended in his propiety.

That guy didn't buy antifreeze to kill animals he worked fixing cars, it was a simple mistake on his part, but it was pure negligence on her part.

Question time: If you go out town would you left your pet in the streets?

Thats what she did for 3 days and then he destroyed a man's life 'cause she can't assume responsability of her own fuck ups.

Right now if she confess to the family and landlord that poor man could be relased, but she don't want to "because she is scared".

She is letting that man rot in an institution and quite posibily geting his family in debt to pay for it just 'cause she is a narcissist bitch.

Hell, his own husband health and confort means nothing to her, he is allergic to cats and now they had another one just 'cause she is "sad" and a new kitty will "make her happy".


ExoticButters79 t1_j7vpbb8 wrote

You are totally the asshole. The people on here saying you are not are as selfish as you are. Was he wrong for leaving out antifreeze? He'll yes he was. Who doesn't know antifreeze kills? Sadly your cat died. But it was a cat. You most likely, illegally, tortured your neighbor resulting in the person having a mental break down, being involuntarily committed and now facing being homeless, or at best, out a lot of money and far less favorable living conditions due to the eviction. You should be wholly ashamed of your actions and if you had even a small amount of decency, you would confess what you did and at least try to help keep him from being evicted if not more. Selfish fucking people.


drdickemdown11 t1_j7vrrtt wrote

Seriously and OP is disregarding her own culpability in these series of events. If you know you had to tell your neighbors 4 times to put away anti-freeze, then why do you continue to let your cat out unattended? Who knows if this guy had the stuff in his garage and didn't expect someone else's animal to be in there?


MATrouble t1_j7wgi41 wrote

Absolute agreement. You're a fucking monster. Weird ass fucking asshole. GO AND MAKE THIS RIGHT! You owe that man a debt and need to do something to redeem this awful shit you pulled.


wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vrekm wrote

I understand your pov and agree with it.

I do not know what the next step is and I did not plan for it to be taken this far.


coldbrew18 t1_j7w1vgf wrote

If you confess you’ll be opening yourself up to legal and civil liability, but you’ll remove some of your bad karma.



wastingtimaway OP t1_j7w1zia wrote

another reason I am on reddit and not there.


mikeschmidt1 t1_j7w6zk5 wrote

So you're cool with potentially ruining this guys life?


ggigfad5 t1_j7w9f3t wrote

He ruined it himself. She didn’t make him destroy his duplex; he did that.


foxy-bb t1_j7weqde wrote

He wouldn't have done that if she didn't drive him to a mental breakdown??? Wtf lol what a fucking delusional take


ThornaBld t1_j7x8xv6 wrote

No he didn’t, not morally and ESPECIALLY not legally. Op is fully responsible for ruining this man’s life because op couldn’t be a responsible pet owner in the slightest


ggigfad5 t1_j7x9oo3 wrote

How is what happened not legal? Man ruined his own life by getting bothered by cat noises.


ThornaBld t1_j7x9yt4 wrote

No he didn’t, op decided to intentionally gaslight and drive a man insane because they couldn’t bother to be a responsible owner. That is not legal and I hope the neighbor sues op for all he can. Op and those defending them are sick. Get help.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xadg6 wrote

Lol. It is very legal. Ethical, maybe not. Legal, yes.

Show me the law it breaks.


ThornaBld t1_j7xaip9 wrote

Harassment laws for one


ggigfad5 t1_j7xaq6s wrote

Nope - try again. Playing cat sounds (or music for that matter) in your own home that others happen to overhear is not harassment.


ThornaBld t1_j7xawtk wrote

Purposely being dense and obtuse is not a good look.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xazu5 wrote

Lol. So you have nothing.

Got it.


ThornaBld t1_j7xb91n wrote

No, you’re just a dumb ass that could be sued, lose, then claim you did nothing wrong. So why bother. Purposely driving someone insane- op admitted it was intentionally done- is illegal and at a MINIMUM is harassment… they even went to the neighbors house


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbe18 wrote

Go on, how can I be sued. You are starting to become more unhinged than usual.

Any lawyer would laugh you out of their office if you tried to make a harassment case.


ThornaBld t1_j7xbj25 wrote

Already did, not my fault you have the intelligence of a walnut and couldn’t comprehend it.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbsjc wrote

already did what? Your anger at me is making you sloppy in your arguments.

How can I be sued?


Successful-Actuary52 t1_j8gtpds wrote

Because he thought he was having a mental break down with there being. Cat in the wall—


ivh016 t1_j7wn9y4 wrote

I really hope they stumble upon your post and somehow are able to sue you. You bastard


ExoticButters79 t1_j7we40r wrote

Wow! after reading some of your other versions of this story... lmao. There is no version you can tell that will make you sound better


jumaba86 t1_j7w5vt2 wrote

Maybe confessing to your former neighbor? Then a mental health check up for yourself. I wish you and your old neighbor the best.


Successful-Actuary52 t1_j8gtlod wrote

Be honest with your landlord and be honest with your neighbors kid—-then go to therapy. Fuck —-


[deleted] t1_j7w623o wrote



wastingtimaway OP t1_j7w75zt wrote

yes I have been told many many times today.


latentnyc t1_j7wa6pq wrote

>yes I have been told many many times today.

Well just shop your story around to another ten subs until you accept it then, yeah?


MyUsernameIsMehh t1_j7w7sz9 wrote

Are you aware of it though? You've been told countless times, do you accept it? Because guess what, it's the truth


ggigfad5 t1_j7w9qej wrote

People here are crazy.


MyUsernameIsMehh t1_j7wei6u wrote

She managed to make a man think he's fucking insane and made him go through a complete meltdown because he works on cars at hus own home and sometimes leaves oil and liquid out. It's not his fault op's cat died.

Op claimed to not hear anything when the man did and also gave possibke reasons as ro what the sound could be, like the husband opening some fucking door.

Op's a fucking lunatic


ggigfad5 t1_j7wg8p2 wrote

Nah. She didn’t make anyone go insane. He could have just ignored the cat sounds like a normal person.


MyUsernameIsMehh t1_j7wj8bc wrote

Yes because it's easy to ignore cat noises for however long (days? Weeks? Longer?) when it sounds like it's coming from inside the wall that your neighbour doesn't seem to hear


ggigfad5 t1_j7wmcqh wrote

Honestly, both people are wrong. Guy was asked not to leave poison out. OP acted out in grief.


ThornaBld t1_j7x8pb5 wrote

You need therapy too


ggigfad5 t1_j7x9lck wrote

Says the guy spamming replies at me. Lol.

Get a life.


ThornaBld t1_j7x9sf8 wrote

You mean like you’re spamming this entire thread because you don’t like that other people rightfully called op out for being negligent


ggigfad5 t1_j7x9z4z wrote

Yet my replies are to different people saying different things. Do you know the definition of spamming?


ThornaBld t1_j7xa2gv wrote

What you are doing in this thread. Bye bye now.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xag89 wrote

Lol. Get a life. You have no idea what you are talking about because you are too invested in this for some reason.


ThornaBld t1_j7xalrg wrote

Says the person vehemently defending an owners willful negligent of their pet


ggigfad5 t1_j7xaxh5 wrote

Oh, this should be a good thread: why do you think the owner neglected their cat?

Try not to use the reddit cliches of "but cats belong indoors" etc. I'm curious if your brain can come up with anything else.


ThornaBld t1_j7xb327 wrote

The dude abandoned the cat for three wholes ass days without checking on it. But sure play dumb, or are you not playing?


ggigfad5 t1_j7xb778 wrote

Oh come on - now you are making things up.

Try again.


ThornaBld t1_j7xbc20 wrote

I’ve had cats my whole life, I currently have three, this is neglect and any shelter worth it’s salt would never allow op to adopt another one


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbk7d wrote

OP didn't say they left their cat for 3 days.


ThornaBld t1_j7xbmkc wrote

They did in their original post


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbtr6 wrote

Lol. Get a life. You went and snooped OP's post history for more facts so you could justify why you feel good about their cat dying.

I'm blocking you.


Ryastor t1_j7vz980 wrote

You need to do something to help your neighbor if this is real because this is 100% your fuckup, all of it. You let your cat outside, despite knowing the neighbor leaves out antifreeze, and the inevitable happened. Cats are not outside pets (for a variety of reasons you can easily google.) Please learn from this mistake with the new cat.


stoutinator3 t1_j7w3gp0 wrote

Yeah I'm confused why people are mad for the neighbor leaving out antifreeze and not the owner for letting the cat out. I think op is responsible for killing his own cat. This is why cats should be kept indoors.


ulykke t1_j7wid4j wrote

I have two cats and cant imagine blaming my neighbor for my own neglect. He was within his right to keep whatever on his property.


ggigfad5 t1_j7w9kpe wrote

No, neighbor was negligent for leaving out antifreeze; he’s lucky it was a cat and not a child that got into it.


ThornaBld t1_j7x851r wrote

It was in HIS yard and op left his cat outside unsupervised for three whole days without having anyone to check on the cat- this is a new post with lots of missing info- and he knew about the antifreeze situation already. No one is responsible for your pet but you, same with a child, if a child had gotten into it it would be the parent that was negligent since a child shouldn’t be in someone else’s yard.


wetsoxxxof t1_j7w8eck wrote

"Cats are not outside pets" excuse me but wtf..


ThornaBld t1_j7x88gz wrote

They aren’t, anywhere but England and I think maybe Egypt they are highly invasive and shouldn’t be given free roam outside


Kwabo t1_j7wpzcn wrote

OP went through some stages with this post. It went from r/NuclearRevenge to r/TrueOffMyChest to r/AmItheAsshole to r/tifu

It went from look I did a cool thing, to damn I did something bad, to did I do something bad? to shit I fucked up..


Foxrex t1_j7wbu65 wrote

Human garbage, you are. And that's coming from someone that makes their fair share of mistakes.

You want to redeem yourself, tell the man the truth.

Are you comfortable ruining this person's life?


ivh016 t1_j7wm3pl wrote

You’re a big piece of trash OP. For those who are sympathetic, I suggest you find the comment that posted her old post where she gives the whole story. She left her cat out knowing damn well her neighbor is busy with an auto repair business. You’re a pathetic excuse of a person and a piece of shit


[deleted] t1_j7woh0r wrote



Accurate_Budget2389 t1_j7wzctz wrote

>and when I left, there was nothing in the pan

In your other post you said you and your husband was gone for 3 days. Was there anyone taking care of Milo while you were gone?


thekyledavid t1_j804haw wrote

Let’s say I have a pet squirrel, and I let it roam free

One day my squirrel finds its way onto your yard, and your new cat decides to attack it, the same way any cat would

After I find out your cat killed my squirrel, I come over to your yard with a gun, and I shoot your cat dead

Is this justified revenge, or am I a crazy person that killed a cat for no good reason?


[deleted] t1_j7yceum wrote

You killed your cat. You let him out knowing the risk. You didn't watch him properly. You were neglectful. This is your fault.

All good cat owners know you keep them inside at all times but your not a good cat owner.


stoutinator3 t1_j7w4ssi wrote

Aren't you just as if not more responsible for letting your cat out?


Bitter_Jaguar_7914 t1_j7wgj8s wrote

How things change when redditors call you an asshole and down vote you into oblition, right OP?

OP tone changed so much since they kick her out of r/nuclearrevenge a few hrs ago... there she was bragging about getting his neighboor evicted and having driving him insane until almost everyone told her what a negligent pet owner and a bully she is....

I wish I had saved the post.

I hope you rot in hell OP


IamNotTheMama t1_j7wbism wrote

How did he get into your house to feed your cat antifreeze?


foxy-bb t1_j7wgdwp wrote

You let your cat roam free while you were not around for an extended period of time, full well knowing that he leaves these chemicals out (and it is YOUR cat, not his responsibility). It sucks that your cat died and I feel for you on that but holy shit dude that's kind of excessive especially since it seems like you are in denial of the fact you had a large part in what happened. It was your responsibility to keep your cat safe and you failed. You can't change your environment but you are in control of your actions and you let your cat out despite knowing it wasn't safe. And then broke this guy mentally? Fucking psychotic behavior.


AskMyAnxiety t1_j7w9mg8 wrote

This is why cats are indoor pets…


KyleGrizz t1_j7wpi9b wrote

People like you are the reason I hate people.


MousseInevitable4589 t1_j7wpl5v wrote

Ok wow I just read the original post. Sheesh crazy how the same story hits differently with details omitted and included


yo_yo_vietnamese t1_j7wjhtq wrote

I have cats, and I keep them inside. I love them, they’re great, but they aren’t for everyone. On top for that, they’re little serial killers that will kill just for fun and not bother eating what they killed. I’m sorry because I know losing Milo was super painful, but you should have kept him inside. Unless your neighbor broke into your home and poisoned him, that is actually on you. And seeking out “revenge” for a crime he didn’t do is something extra.


KaleidoscopeAny4126 t1_j7wsipg wrote

Why are you changing your story?

Be honest with yourself AND your neighbour!!!

come clean - ASAP! And get therapy!!!!!


revirded t1_j7wbk4g wrote

how is this even possible I don't believe it


CrushedSodaCan_ t1_j7x2e18 wrote

I know y'all love cats but fyi, in most places outdoor animals including cats are illegal. They are also terrible for the ecosystem.

A good owner can have a happy indoor cat.


derekdedurk t1_j7wj1y0 wrote

Grief can make people do some weird shit.


Accurate_Budget2389 t1_j7wwobx wrote

Will you be telling your neighbor the truth about this situation?


StopSignSass t1_j7xxk2j wrote

Yeah, you are still a piece of shit


Tuga_Lissabon t1_j7won86 wrote

OP, you are the total asshole. He can leave his stuff where he likes in his property; you let your cat out and it died.

And you tried to make him the responsible when it was you, in reality.

I were him, I'd have stored the anti-freeze, but I would not feel OBLIGATED for it.

That said, if this tale is true, I have to acknowledge a grudging respect for how you ruined his sanity. If he'd been evil and killed the animal, I'd even consider it justified.

But as it is, you are in the wrong and ruining someone's life over your own fault.

Wonder if somebody ever points him to this thread, if I ever found out something like that had happened to me, that person's home or car might suffer an unfortunate accident.


Mr007McDiddles t1_j7vwj99 wrote

Seems petty. If you have proof he intentionally left it out to kill the cat I would present that information to the appropriate authority.

How is your husband allergic to cats but yet bought you another one?


Opposite_Match5303 t1_j7w12be wrote

Neighbor had an auto repair business (in screenshots of ops original story). No indication that they intended to hurt the cat.


wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vwwgi wrote

he said he would rather live with a semi runny nose in order for me to be happy.

Plus he bought a cat that is suppose to not aggravate allergies.


ThornaBld t1_j7x9a3n wrote

Do you EVER consider anyone but yourself? You even said in your original post you PLANNED to eventually get another cat when the first one died even knowing he was allergic.


ReadyAXQC t1_j7xty17 wrote

Thank you for the update and correction. Animal cruelty in any form is unacceptable. Shame on the OP. I, for, one appreciate the enlightenment and clarification.


ScionMattly t1_j7wbfp5 wrote

It's like textbook ESH.

Don't let your cat's roam free, they're effin' genocide machines and it cuts like ten years off their life.

Don't leave literal poisons sitting out after you're asked to by your neighbors with a cat they let out.


121PB4Y2 t1_j7wxwqg wrote

I had an old cat named Milo that recently died because the neighbor (live in a duplex) left out antifreeze. We asked him not to around 4 times but he always shook it off.


Guilt. This is called guilt.


[deleted] t1_j7vm27a wrote



drdickemdown11 t1_j7vqtet wrote

No he didn't, did you ever stop and think where this anti-freeze is and why the cat was in his living area to begin with? It sounds like both parties are neglectful in the cats demise.


ggigfad5 t1_j7w9oph wrote

We don’t know if the cat was in his living area and we don’t know where the antifreeze was.


Radeath t1_j7wki7m wrote

Lmao that must feel awesome


northernCRICKET t1_j7wxlx4 wrote

Scrooge needs a time out in solitary confinement if he's poisoning neighborhood cats. Milo's revenge is justified and righteous. The Tell Tale Heart but with cat meows


ThornaBld t1_j7x9l3i wrote

He didn’t poison the cat. Op left the cat outside alone for three days while going off somewhere knowing full well the neighbor works with antifreeze as he’s basically an at home mechanic


northernCRICKET t1_j7xban4 wrote

Antifreeze is slow acting, it can take months to kill on its own. I'm skeptical 3 days would have been enough exposure. Antifreeze belongs in it's bottle with the child resistant cap on, not in open containers. I doubt the story is as black and white as you're portraying.


Goats_are_sick t1_j7w7ozk wrote

Reminds me of the time I bought these little speakers with wee magnets in them, they had a few sounds you could cycle through and one of them was a cat meowing. They'd play tye sound every 5 minutes or so and ilat the time I lived with 6 others in my flat. I kept shifting the speaker to different places every few days and would take it away for a couple days at a time. I had all my flatmates looking around wondering where this fucking cat was to the point one of them thought it was in the wall or something. I even walked around the house and was helping them search for the cat. I eventually caved and let them in on the joke and got some good reactions from them.


zedsdead79 t1_j7wpzln wrote

I mean, that's some sweet sweet revenge. Your neighbor basically killed your original cat. I'm having hard time saying you're the bad person here really.


fishywiki t1_j7wgkq3 wrote

NTA. Anyone who deliberately leaves out antifreeze deserves everything they get. Fuck him. Feed him antifreeze.


ThornaBld t1_j7x9oos wrote

He didn’t deliberately leave it out. Op edited the post


SandyzTG t1_j7woekl wrote

Fuck him! He killed your cat. Antifreeze poisoning is very painful. Your poor cat :(


SandyzTG t1_j7wquc7 wrote

I didn't know the whole story when I originally made this post. Your cat depended on you to keep him safe. You failed him. You should not have let him go outside if you knew he might come in contact with antifreeze. That's on you. As far as your neighbor goes, I still say fuck him.


skrena t1_j7wgev0 wrote

Bruh he purposely killed your cat. Antifreeze is an incredibly painful and preventable death. I feel no sympathy for this man. There’s absolutely no excuse to use ethylene glycol based antifreeze.


AB5642 t1_j7voj29 wrote

It's like the Tell Tale cat!

Heck yeah! Great job driving that animal abusing asshole over the edge


Abbhrsn t1_j7w7df0 wrote

The people in that other thread are crazy, you didn’t really plan on this happening, and dude knew exactly what he was doing leaving that antifreeze out..


Spectralcolors78 t1_j7vm3r6 wrote

I can't stop laughing the dryer flip did it. Don't feel bad, what's the new cats name?


wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vmjgk wrote

Maybe lilo and I think he was thinking it was in the vent.


LuckyPeach2263 t1_j7w40vy wrote

I would 100% do this to his he sounds like a POS 🤷‍♀️


[deleted] t1_j7vov6f wrote

Your neighbor killed your cat. I'd say you just set the universe a little more right.,


incognitopear t1_j7vollq wrote

The only reason other subs might be saying you’re an asshole, isn’t for what happened to the neighbor - no, he purposely killed your old cat. He deserves this. It’s because your husband, as well intentioned as it was, brought another animal into a situation where someone very close by wants to kill it. He put the cat (and potentially yourselves) in danger by doing so. The neighbor now having to move is the best case scenario for everyone, but he should have been handled first.


Opposite_Match5303 t1_j7w18nj wrote

Neighbor had an auto repair business (see screenshots in thread above). No indication that they intended to hurt the cat.


incognitopear t1_j7w4t3u wrote

Yeah I see OP heavily revised this version of events, and worded it in a way that made it sound intentional. OP sucks and Milo’s death was absolutely avoidable from all sides involved. Yeah, he shouldn’t have left it out - not just because of her cat, but for any animals that would have gotten into it. It’s negligent. But so is letting your cat free roam, where it could find something like that 10 feet away at your neighbors - or 10 streets away. The cat could camp out behind an Autozone for all OP knows. And to purposefully fuck with someone’s mental health when 50% of the blame falls on yourself, also sucks.


ggigfad5 t1_j7wa35z wrote

No reputable auto repair business should be leaving out open antifreeze. Neighbor is an idiot.


ReadyAXQC t1_j7w26kg wrote

Not TIFU. Someone mentally unstable enough to poison a cat and destroy property on a tirade needs help, and shouldn't be out in public until that treatment is either in progress or completed.


[deleted] t1_j7vm7e6 wrote



wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vmes3 wrote

All the other subs call me the asshole and in the wrong.


nekokattt t1_j7vn4pp wrote

all the other subs are dumb, ignore them.

some would call it karma.

Ignore people downvoting.


Zaynara t1_j7w56z5 wrote

revenge got a bit nuclear, but ffs he killed your cat. this is great psychological warfare, you won. Though prime suggestion. Keep this cat as an indoor cat. Sorry about Milo, losing a pet sucks, especially in such a pointless and tragic way.


Park_Bench01 t1_j7w70uh wrote

OP killed their pet, horrible person


Zaynara t1_j7w8nz8 wrote

i read the original post, saw nothing that stated that, leaving out antifreeze in open containers like that is dangerous, any animal in the neighborhood could get poisoned from it and should not have been done, they had an emergency and had to leave for a few days, reckless? sure, i dont like outdoor cats, prefer them being indoor, but people should not be leaving antifreeze outside, keep business work at a fucking business, not in a duplex


Park_Bench01 t1_j7w8uyq wrote

I’m not saying he should leave it out but it’s some serious negligence to know that your neighbour leaves out poison and still let your cat go out