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ga-co t1_j9mk9f3 wrote

What is the benefit to telling the guy? You take that one to your grave.


flentaldoss t1_j9ml0g3 wrote

If I was him, I would have a laugh. They should be old mature enough that they handle the "wonders" of the human body. Also maybe next time he can do a wee bit of a gyno check to be sure.

Just not with his actual wee.


ahkiikwe t1_j9mnipa wrote

We've been good friends for 6 years now. Fwb for 3 years. Tbh I might just take this one to the grave. While amusing I know he's gonna tell the other two goons we hangout with as a group and I'd rather they not know cause then everyone in the friend radius will know lol.


flentaldoss t1_j9mu5fu wrote

That's fair. Even if I would share stuff like that with someone like that for a laugh, it would still be in confidence. Other people don't need that info/ammo on me.

If you do get found out, I'm sure there's subreddits where you can get great pointers on how to revenge the fkers


Regolith_Prospektor t1_j9mij8s wrote

Glad you found it and seem to be doing well OP. Now it will live forever as a story about “that one time…”


Therminite t1_j9mp9zm wrote

If I were in his position if you told him, I wouldn't be disgusted, I would be worried for you. I would feel so bad lol


AgencyDelicious1933 t1_j9nbaex wrote

I can't imagine forgetting about a tampon, and! not feeling it during sex.