Submitted by Reddit76677667 t3_11bnd12 in tifu

So last night I had just dropped off a package in my parent's bathroom around 9 pm, but when I went to flush the toilet clogged and overflowed. The shit water was all over the floor instantly I ran upstairs to soak it all up with towels cause I dint want to tell my dad I flooded his bathroom with my shit water. After 5 minutes of soaking it up a got a garbage bag and put the shit-soaked towels in it. I went upstairs changed my clothing then spent 10 minutes trying to figure out what to do with the towels. Normally I would just throw it away in our garbage can but it was garbage day so the cans were empty, and I dint want to make my parents wonder what was in the only bag in the trash. So I ended up running as fast as I could halfway down the block to a neighbor's home who still had their cans out at the curb and threw the bag full of shit water towels in there and ran back home. I cleaned the floor and then went on with my life as if nothing just happened.

Btw after the water flooded my bathroom it went down.

TL;DR I clogged my parent's toilet it flooded the bathroom. I soaked up the shit water then ran down the street the towels to dispose of them in a neighbor's trash can.



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NDALLASFORTY t1_j9yt5hi wrote

Some things should not be shared with ANYBODY. imho


SpiritTalker t1_j9yxdzj wrote

Are your parents not going to miss their bath towels though?


Indy997 t1_j9zd62i wrote

What kind of person would see a trash can with one bag of trash in it and be like "Oooh, only one bag of trash better check out what's in it!" ??? lol


Jewish-Mom-123 t1_j9zjoh2 wrote

Um, did you ever hear of this thing called a “washing machine?” It’s like, magic for cleaning cloth. You don’t just throw away towels, even if they have shit on them. So do people’s drawers, occasionally.


ThatKinkyLady t1_j9zrrfp wrote

Ok so OP this is a teachable moment so I'll help you out here.

  1. if it doesn't flush the first go, don't try again. You'll need to plunge.

  2. wait for the water to go down before you try again. There is very likely also a knob behind the toilet to turn off the water so it doesn't refill and cause a flood.

  3. if all else fails, and you end up with poop water on the floor, clean up thoroughly. Very thoroughly. Paper towels are more wasteful than using bath towels but they're also less expensive to replace.

  4. if you use the towels anyway, replace them with new ones. No need to explain. Just say you wanted to get them something nice. Or you can be vague and say you accidentally ruined some. But don't throw out someone's stuff without at least offering a replacement.

Good luck in your future pooping.


Cubscouter t1_ja0cmlt wrote

Reminds me of that one really long greentext