Submitted by sweetsweetnothingg t3_10xp08o in tifu

I've been trying to avoid coffee for the past month. I've been using the tazo tea "energize" but I hate the taste so this morning right before a work meeting I prepared my tea and in the lunch room there was a box of orange peoke teas so I thought hmmmm maybe if I mix them it will taste better.

So there I was drinking my tea that actually ended up tasting horribly but I knew i needed the caffeine so i kept drinking it during the meeting.

I started feeling nauseous and with a headache, I often get migraines so I thought a bad one was coming.

Right after the meeting i went to the washroom for a break and see if I actually needed to puke but I just tried to relax and went back to my desk.

As soon as I sat down I went running back to the washroom to puke my apple and my tea. OH GOD IT WAS SO HORRIBLE.

I was super confused so I google it and yep there it was, caffeine overdose lmao. It all happened so fast. Im impressed how our body works.

DO NOT TRY AT HOME or anywhere for that matter. Please don't shame me if it was dumb hahah

TLDR: I overdosed on caffeine by mixing two teas and vomited within minutes

Edit** I might have not overdosed as I read the comments though it depends on everyone's caffeine sensitivity as I also learned in the comments . In high school I ended at the hospital because of a red bull so there's that, I was at the verge of a heart attack but thankfully didn't escalate, had forgotten about that one until now



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Purple_Dot9207 t1_j7tio1w wrote

Very little caffeine in tea half the amount so 2 teas equals one coffee , I think something else made you sick maybe the tea itself but I doubt the caffeine did it


aktyn87 t1_j7tja5n wrote

exactly that!


sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j7tk2t7 wrote

You are right actually, must have been something else in the teas. I had only had half an apple and the tea. After getting sick, I had the other half an apple and felt fine. So weird because the symptoms were exactly the caffeine overdose ones. Nausea headache lightheaded and vomit so was easy to assume


Sharter-Darkly t1_j7uecvs wrote

It was probably the Tannins in the tea. On an empty stomach they make you feel pretty bad. I’ve been close to sickness from it before.


pirate-irl t1_j7uxnm2 wrote

Tea on an empty stomache (or nearly empty) can make you feel bad for sure - it's a fairly well documented phenomenon that can pop up even on regular tea drinkers who don't experience it normally. It's like clockwork for me if I have black or green tea on an empty belly I feel almost drunk/delirious and nauseous.


aktyn87 t1_j7tku60 wrote

If i have normal black tea or green tea without breakfast, i feel like I'm about to spew for good hour or so


Zaknafeyn t1_j7uv9td wrote

Apples have caffeine too.

If a single red bull actually almost gave you a heart attack, you need to be careful.

Don't eat an apple have a coffee then eat some chocolate or you might just bust yourself up


BreDenny t1_j7uy0lh wrote

Apples don’t have caffeine


Zaknafeyn t1_j7uyefv wrote

Yep, not sure when the last time I heard it was but I see that it's been debunked.


Cindexxx t1_j7veaer wrote

It has something else in the skin that promotes wakefulness iirc. But yeah not caffeine.


ZharethZhen t1_j7u8bbe wrote

Entirely depends on how sensitive they are to caffeine and what their normal intake is like.


sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j7uh990 wrote

Thank you! Other than the energizing tea I started taking last week I dont really have any other caffeine intake, will look into it!


ZharethZhen t1_j7yp846 wrote

When I was younger, I went off caffeine completely for awhile for some reason (I forget at the moment). One morning I woke up with an extreme headache and my sleepy mom suggested I take a couple of excedrine. Which I did without thinking. Went to high school. Started having heart palpitations, an anxiety attack, and fits of paranoia. It was fucked up and crazy!


Masochidesu t1_j7tm3fo wrote

it's probably an acid if you didn't eat anything before drinking tea. I have GERD so I always experience those symptoms, especially the nausea.

edit: eating sometimes fixes it btw. bc by eating, the extra acid in your stomach has something to dissolve if that makes sense


sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j7ukpem wrote

Will look into this! Definitely on empty stomach from like 6pm the day before, thank you!


subtleeffect t1_j7tlcp8 wrote

Go0ogling symptoms and deciding what's wrong with you is normally a mistake. So many health problems have overlapping symptoms so in general this isn't hugely helpful and could even make things worse by you taking action on the assumption that you're affected by something which you're not!


sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j7uk3cp wrote

As much as I appreciate your comment I will disagree with you. I have PCOS and the internet has more information on it than many doctors out there because it became a new endocrine condition not too long ago, many doctors are not educated on it and mistakenly say its a fertility condition. This actually became a subject in the group /PCOS that I invite you to check out. Now saying that, the internet didn't give me the diagnosis but guides me in the right directions

I dont freak out from internet findings but look into things if necessary. I know this was obviously the teas because I had never done that, it was immediate and I never vomit. Also after that all my symptoms were completely gone which is why I ate the apple. My TIFU was meant to be funny, I laughed in my own post, no intense and health stressful or worried.

I googled to find out why the teas made me sick and thats what led me to, I didn't spend more than 5 mins on it though as I was at work and then thought of sharing the post at night.

The very first comment I got explained I didn't OD and I agreed yet people took the time to comment the same thing like 5 more times, constructive comments are talking about the tea ingredients and caffeine sensitivity.

Times are changing and we really need to learn to not freak out from findings on google until proven truth. I believe at this point in 2023 anyone with a reddit account should know to not freak out from what you read on the internet.


Gimmenakedcats t1_j7usmz8 wrote

Totally agreed.

I diagnosed both my GERD and uveitis from the internet (the problem is when people aren’t smart enough to understand how to analyze data about it) before my doctors did, separate doctors (GP/ophthalmologist). Neither doctor was annoyed as every layperson on Reddit tries to simp for, they were impressed and happy to have them figured out quickly. If I would have waited for my doctor to figure out I’d had GERD it would have been weeks. He was positive it was my lungs because I was coughing, but ignored the accompanying symptoms.

I work in veterinary and we don’t get pissed when someone has done a little research beforehand. It often shows a willingness to get better and take the issue seriously. The only real problem with self diagnosis is when people are wrong and argue with the professional/reality or they dangerously try to treat on their own (obviously harmless treatments are fine).

You just have to be realistic and careful, studying fervently to advocate for your health if you attempt self diagnosis.


sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j7w2oip wrote

Yes exactly, freaking out on the internet is old news. It's a very powerful tool that we have now and we should take advantage and know how to use it as well as be careful with it. I appreciate doctors that are willing to listen, learn and explore rather than feel distrusted or threatened.


Hide_Yo_Trees_420 t1_j7uc9zq wrote

If you want a real answer you drank to many tannins on an empty stomach


sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j7ugb49 wrote

Thank you lol everyone commenting the same thing after I already agreed on that from the first comment I received haha


inspectyergadget t1_j7w8l9y wrote

I just commented about tannins too. Just putting in a hard day's work of throwing in my opinion without reading any of the other comments.

No need to thank me.


ulibuds t1_j7uzioa wrote

Hmm. Sounds like anxiety and panic to me!


sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j7w322y wrote

No panic at all more meant to tell people to not do try it if ever that idea came to mind lol anxiety though, that always


Bfinnley t1_j7u0qpt wrote

You’re tolerance must be terrible if it’sreally the caffeine. Don’t touch prework


Antassium t1_j7utf4k wrote

Hope you're feeling better! I've gotten real sick after 3 bangs and some caffinated Mio... over 1,000mg of caffeine... 🤢🤢🤮🤮


Outrageous_Ad_6964 t1_j7xrspm wrote

THREE Bangs?? Holy cow! I drink one daily and usually have a can or 2 of Coke zero, would never try 3 Bangs lol. 300mg in just one!


Antassium t1_j7xs3hs wrote

Yeah, it was REEAAAALLLYYYY BAD.. It hurt almost as much as when I had appendicitis..


Limp-Sun164 t1_j7uk8jd wrote

Suspicious!!!! I seen this and then she was pregnant


sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j7umwgm wrote

Lmaoooo not gonna lie I thought about this for a second but have lost 12 pounds in the last month and have had my periods on point since the last time i had sex which it has been a while


crawledback t1_j7ukw0z wrote

When I was pregnant, stuff that I was completely used to the day before were making me throw up like crazy!


Due-Profession-3563 t1_j7v6wkj wrote

I made the mustache of drinking the green tea at the bottom of a couple day old made in the sun tea at work. I never projectile vomited before they day. All the toxins had left my body within the hour. Never again.


rncshow t1_j7v9ukz wrote

Two cups of tea is od’ing on caffeine eh?


Jakenlovesbacon t1_j7vl18d wrote

my work has cold brew stations and I had no idea how strong cold brew was I was probably hunched over a trashcan at my desk for like 45 mins


Timely_Republic_8691 t1_j7y56dp wrote

That's actually interesting I had no idea that someone could od on caffeine or that drinking caffeine on an empty stomach could make u sick. Guess we learn new things everyday lol


No-Brilliant4423 t1_j7uu9ir wrote

I’ve done this with preworkout before when I was in highschool


inspectyergadget t1_j7w8e5v wrote

Tannins in tea have made me throw up before. I can handle tannins in coffee and wine fairly well, but over steeped tea is the worst.


Purple_Dot9207 t1_j7wmmmr wrote

My mother-in-law had an actual overdose from caffeine and because of that she now drinks tea but she had nine or 10 coffees Australian coffees not American coffees/dishwater. Australian drink stronger coffee. She now only drinks tea because the caffeine content is so low.


Pixiepixie21 t1_j7wpr4i wrote

Black tea on an empty stomach makes me very queasy


CyptidProductions t1_j7yijd3 wrote

The lethal dose of caffeine is something obscenely high compared to what's in commercially sold drinks like 3800mg (the equivalent of consuming like 34 red bulls fast enough none of it is processed out)

So you probably didn't OD on tea, even if one was spiked to match coffee.

HOWEVER, you might have had some other weird reaction. I know when I drank something that had 120mg of caffeine AND some form of artificial sweetener in place of sugar a while back it really messed me up for some reason.


sweetsweetnothingg OP t1_j80arqn wrote

Hey thanks for your comment! An overdose doesn't have to be lethal neither I intended for it so sound like it was. I think a lot of people associate the word with drugs.

"An overdose is when you take more than the normal or recommended amount of something, often a drug"

I had already edited the post before your comment , explaining I might have not overdosed. Thanks for trying to make it constructive though.


BigHarryPotterFan7 t1_j7v78ss wrote

You would need some form of anhydrous caffeine to actually overdose. You would have to drink 300 cans of 12oz Coca Cola to reach dangerous levels and considering caffeine has a half life of only about five hours, that is practically impossible. Also diagnosing yourself with google is just fucking stupid like come on now you are smarter than that.