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Pame_in_reddit t1_ja17a1z wrote

Right? I feel specially proud that at my wedding only one guest managed to taste everything. People complained for a week that they couldn’t eat the lamb (served at ~midnight) or the soup because they had stuffed with the desserts. People saying that they couldn’t enjoy the dinner because they ate too much at the cocktail. People saying that they missed the chocolate fountain because they only had a little space left for the wedding cake.

I agree with the father completely, if people are giving you their time you give them choices.


grubas t1_ja1vfy2 wrote

The one wedding we attended like that was a legit nightmare. Everybody was dealing with indigestion and the afterparty was effectively people finding chairs and panting heavily.

We had more than enough food but people were running back to their tables for food cause everybody was dancing.