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Juuna t1_ja2u2og wrote

Lmao stopping at McDonalds remind me of almost every fancy family dinner or event I ever had as a kid. We would leave while I was still starving and then my parents would get mad at me for still being hungry but also didn't let me order a second entree during dinner either because thats unheard off... So I would always beg for a burger or something afterwards. And then usually my dad would also order food at wherever we stopped because actually he was also still hungry...


snarual t1_ja5v2ow wrote

Yeah, a friend of mine was invited to a very expensive restaurant for helping a very wealthy old woman with her Wi-Fi issues. He said he was the only person dining there who wasn’t a birdlike elderly woman, and that the food was fantastic, but it left him hungry enough that he stopped at a McDonald’s as soon as he left.

I enjoy experiential dining, degustation, tasting menus, experimental food, modernist cooking, etc, but only if I’m expecting it, and if there are enough courses that you aren’t starving when you’re done. Did one at MoMA and it was great, but we had a large breakfast knowing we would enjoy it more if we weren’t so hungry we didn’t take our time. Did a chef’s tasting a cruise ship a few years ago and that was worth every penny, not only was it excellent and fascinating, most of the tastings were at least 2 or 3 bites. It was enough that we took the last dessert back to our cabin.

And that was fantastic… but I was expecting it, looking forward to it, planned it.. didn’t have it sprung on me after sitting through a wedding and being expected to stand around being social for hours. :)