Submitted by Old-Werewolf-2146 t3_117i38y in tifu

I am literally shaking as i write this, so bare with me.

My story starts yesterday when i was accidentally paid by the person i baby sit for $4500 instead of $45. I was busy at the time so i didnt notice this until ahe frantically called me at 5pm telling me. I got her to send me her bsb and account details so i could transfer it all sorted yea?

Nope, i so fucking stupidly typed these details onto my phone banking app wrong and sent it away without a second thought. My phone at that time was at 5% so and i was in between games of my sport. But no excuse i fucking typed in the wrong bsb and now i potentially have lost this $4500.

I have contacted my bank but idk if i can get it back. I havent slept for longer than 2 hours last night and i am so very scared i have lost the money. There are two options that can happen. A) the acc doesnt exist and the money bounce in aprox 3 business days Or B) the acc exists and the bank has to claim them back. Which can take 10- 30 days and is counting on the person to not spend the money.

I am so so scared and stressed about this like what do i do? What if i dont get the money back and im fucked? I have legit $500 to my name and im still studying.


TL;DR i got transferred $4500 from a friend and i transferred it back using the wrong details loosing the money?!?



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Pjjones306 t1_j9btz3x wrote

Don't worry much - bank details need to be exact for successful transfers, the chance to make a successful transfer is about the same as winnings the lottery.


aussie_nub t1_j9ct9au wrote

I'm assuming it's like a credit card, right? The numbers are way bigger than the actual amount of accounts available so they skip many and have a fault check built in. At worst, you usually have to have the name match up with the account.


WalkingThyroid99 t1_j9bwtxp wrote

Man how is there not protection for this in your country… here you enter the details, it checks it over no matter what bank it is and comes out with their name verified and tells you if it matches before you send it.


-Immolation- t1_j9bry7s wrote

I live in Canada and some times banks here can recover money for you but there is a very fine line when that can be done. My friend had their bank accounts skimmed by a compromised bank machine and they thought they lost $13,000+ dollars but they recovered it for them. I hope it all works out for you. That sounds like a lot of stress. =(


Old-Werewolf-2146 OP t1_j9bso6g wrote

Hopefully Australia works the same, thank you.


SunChipMan t1_j9c2qm0 wrote

I hope you've called your bank or do so IMMEDIATELY.


drmcfc_89 t1_j9edk5d wrote

Are you with CommBank? If so pretty sure you can contact them directly and explain your situation. Think they will realise the name of the account and the account numbers aren't the same and hopefully sense will prevail.

Can understand your anxiety but I'm 99% sure that if you contact your bank and explain the situation you will get it refunded if it did go to someone else


littlemanja t1_j9ep17k wrote

I’ve done this before also in Australia lol I got the money back a day or so later I reckon. It should be ok but very worrying at the time!


Zakal74 t1_j9ctbi9 wrote

Odds are very good that it will bounce back. I did the exact same thing at a new job one week in, but it was $500,000. I'm really not any kind of a financial professional and really shouldn't have had this on my plate, but I was excited to try new things. Afterword I was sweating and shaking so bad, terrified to tell anyone, and just feeling like I was going to die. Once I finally told someone, (probably 20 minutes later,) they just laughed and called me a dumb ass for freaking out so bad. Money was back in our account 3 days later. It was a hell of a stressful 3 days for me though until I saw that balance show up!


31ExtensionLuck31 t1_j9bvi1o wrote

I don't know where you live but in my country if you sent the money to somebody he didn't get the money in one day money is sent your account. I hope either there isn't an account that get the money or if there is a bank account the money is sent your account back.


blahbleh112233 t1_j9bwt2r wrote

Depends on if OP had the bad luck of accidentally typing on someone else's account info. In the US, if you accidentally zelle someone, you can't get it back unless you file a police report saying you were defrauded. Shit, when I was doing the downpayment on my home, it was nerve wracking entering in the wire transfer info because if you type it in wrong, you could literally just be out hundreds of thousands


morganml t1_j9c4grh wrote

right? how is there not some better system to do that shit?

"Ok heres the email about wiring your payment, its two lines to fill out and 4 pages of how this could, and regulalry does, go terribly wrong, after which you'll be fucked with no recourse. Sign here and pray to whatever gods you hold dear."


blahbleh112233 t1_j9c4p6n wrote

For real. I never it much thought for rent and such since I've been blessed with a good job but God damn i would be beside myself if I transferred it wrong.

The kicker is that when the bank screws it up, they can sue your ass if you spend any of the money.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j9cin68 wrote

This is kinda dramatic...please update with the results


Aaronlolwtf t1_j9coud7 wrote

Hey mate, sorry to hear & it sure is stressful! My work involves a lot of bank deposits, so I have seen the occasional deposit in to an incorrect account.
As has been said already, account numbers need to be exact for it to go through. I'm guessing the account number you typed in is only a small typo, so chances are the account doesn't exist as it would all have to match an existing account with that bank (BSB, Account and Suffix). I would say chances are high of it being reversed - good luck!


Zakal74 t1_j9ur2zc wrote

Any update? I hope it bounced back!